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PROMIS- Spanish APIs #367

Open m-j-horner opened 2 weeks ago

m-j-horner commented 2 weeks ago

Spanish APIs: PROMIS SF v1.0 - Agotamiento 4a PROMIS SF v1.0 - Ansiedad 4a PROMIS SF v1.0 - Depresión 4a PROMIS SF v1.0 - Efectos del dolor 4a PROMIS SF v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño 4a PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 4a PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad para participar en roles y actividades sociales 4a PROMIS SF v2.0 - Función cognitiva 4a

Notes: (Recall, we are not using the pain scale question in either language)

m-j-horner commented 2 weeks ago


I did not see the Spanish equivalent API for PROMIS SF v2.0 - Social Isolation 4

The Spanish name of the form is: PROMIS SF v2.0 - Aislamiento social 4a

anthonypetersen commented 2 weeks ago

@m-j-horner I believe there should be 10 total forms? I believe the Social Satisfaction form is missing still.