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Update English version M1 for issues found in Spanish version during Dev testing #368

Open joshid-ims opened 2 weeks ago

joshid-ims commented 2 weeks ago

These issue were found while testing Spanish version. Need to be fixed in English version as well.

  1. Need to remove unnecessary skips like NR.
  2. Wrong closing brackets in BREASTSUR0-9
  3. MULT2 shows up when MULTBIRTH is NR
  4. SIB and CILDCANC3X and 3Y needed displayifs.
  5. Fix FTREM is id : [FTREM?,displayif=and(equals(MHGROUP9,9)] currently.
  6. CHILDMULT should be displayed only if CHILD1>1. Currently it is displayed if CHILD1 is not 0.

We will add to this list if we find more such issues.