epiverse-trace / epidemics

A library of published compartmental epidemic models, and classes to represent demographic structure, non-pharmaceutical interventions, and vaccination regimes, to compose epidemic scenarios.
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Add initial diphtheria model #141

Closed pratikunterwegs closed 9 months ago

pratikunterwegs commented 9 months ago

This issue is based on, and runs parallel to, this Discussion on adding a diphtheria model.

The model is expected to follow the compartmental structure and context (IDP/refugee camps) in Finger et al. (2019).

Modelling choices for this initial implementation:

  1. ODE model with C++ backend,
  2. Age structure is included,
  3. Social contacts are assumed to be homogeneous due to assumed small spatial scale of camps,
  4. Single location (Finger et al. have multiple),
  5. Allow parameter for proportion of each age group vaccinated as a model argument, with a sensible default from the paper (explained with correct context of vaccination of children).