epiverse-trace / serofoi

Estimates the Force-of-Infection of a given pathogen from population based sero-prevalence studies
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Improve error messages for `plot_foi_estimates` and `plot_rhats` #222

Open jpavlich opened 1 month ago

jpavlich commented 1 month ago

When passing constant seromodel as parameter to plot_foi_estimates and plot_rhats, it yields the following error

Error in plot_foi_estimates(seromodel, serosurvey) : 
  seromodel@name should start with either 'age' or 'time'

It is a little unintuitive, since it assumes the user know that seromodel@model_name begins with 'age' or 'time' for age or time models, respectively.

I would suggest changing it to "seromodel type must be 'age' or 'time'"

jpavlich commented 1 month ago

@ntorresd If you agree, you can assign me this issue. I will fix it as soon as #215 is merged into dev

ntorresd commented 4 weeks ago

223 has been merged to dev. Please proceed with this @jpavlich.