Closed ekamau closed 7 months ago
After thinking about the above quite deeply, we realised it's not correct to discretise the numerator because it varies within a year. Instead, we can actually integrate the ODE within each piece (where $\lambda$ is constant). For an initial $Z(t)$ value this yields:
$$ Z(t+1)=\frac{e^{-t (\lambda +\mu )} \left(\lambda \left(e^{t (\lambda +\mu )}+Z(t)-1\right)+\mu Z(t)\right)}{\lambda +\mu } $$
The below R code simulations from this model and shows how the solution corresponds with the exact solution of the system when $\lambda$ is constant:
# age-dependent FOIs
as <- 1:80
# seroreversion rate
mu <- 0.05
simulate_foi_age_exact <- function(a, fois, mu) {
I <- 0
# solves ODE exactly within pieces
for(i in 1:a) {
lambda <- fois[i]
I <- (1 / (lambda + mu)) * exp(- (lambda + mu)) * (lambda * (exp(lambda + mu) - 1) + I * (lambda + mu))
# check soln if FOI is constant (where an analytic solution is possible)
constant_solution <- function(a, foi, mu) {
foi * (1 - exp(-a * (foi + mu))) / (foi + mu)
fois <- rep(0.02, 80)
prob_infected <- map_dbl(as, ~simulate_foi_age_exact(., fois, mu))
prob_infected_true <- map_dbl(as, ~constant_solution(., fois[1], mu))
tibble(a=as, approx=prob_infected, true=prob_infected_true) %>%
pivot_longer(-a) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=a, y=value, colour=name)) +
# Try exponentially declining FOI with mu = 0 (which permits an exact solution but only if lambda varies continuously not by year)
lambda0 <- 0.1
r <- 0.1
fois <- lambda0 * exp(-r * as)
mu <- 0
exp_solution <- function(a, lambda0, r) {
1 - exp(-lambda0 / r) * exp((exp(-a * r) * lambda0) / r)
prob_infected <- map_dbl(as, ~simulate_foi_age_exact(., fois, mu))
tibble(a=as, approx=prob_infected) %>%
pivot_longer(-a) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=a, y=value, colour=name)) +
@ben18785 - in above R code, where are we calling the exp_solution function? I have looked and can't really see it ..
Ah, good spot. No I'm not (since the analytical solution is different because it assumes that FOIs are continuously varying with age). So, you can ignore that part!
Hi @ben18785 - been going through the R code above:
fois <- rep(0.02, 80)
To me, this means FOI is same for all ages (assuming 80 age classes).
prob_infected <- map_dbl(as, ~simulate_foi_age_exact(., fois, mu))
is simulating an age-constant FOI model .. with seroreversion,
and so is this:
prob_infected_true <- map_dbl(as, ~constant_solution(., fois[1], mu))
Wouldn't age-varying FOI simulation have different FOIs as?
fois <- rexp(80, 0.2)
If so, what's the solution for Z(a)? or solution for
dZ/da = λ(a)(1-Z) - μZ
Hi @ekamau -- so, I do two things in the code above.
fois <- lambda0 * exp(-r * as)
(note this is different to rexp
which is drawing random values from an exponential distribution).The solution for $Z(a)$ is given by piecewise integration, which is handled in the function simulate_foi_age_exact
Without seroreversion: In R, simulate / prepare mock data:
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
# generate synthetic data assuming we have data for all individuals aged between 1-10
ages <- seq(1, 10, 1)
sample_size <- 100
fois <- c(rep(0.01, 4), rep(0.05, 2), rep(0.1, 2), rep(0.03, 2))
mu <- 0 # no seroreversion
simulate_foi_age_exact <- function(a, fois, mu) {
I <- 0
# solves ODE exactly within pieces
for(i in 1:a) {
lambda <- fois[i]
I <- (1 / (lambda + mu)) * exp(- (lambda + mu)) * (lambda * (exp(lambda + mu) - 1) + I * (lambda + mu))
prob_infected_age <- map_dbl(ages, ~simulate_foi_age_exact(., fois, mu))
n_positive_age <- vector(length = length(ages))
for(i in seq_along(n_positive_age)) {
n_positive_age[i] <- rbinom(1, size = sample_size, prob = prob_infected_age[i])
# data for stan model
data_stan <- list(
N = length(n_positive_age),
n_pos = n_positive_age,
n_total = rep(sample_size, length(n_positive_age)),
prior_choice = 3,
is_binomial = TRUE,
mu = mu
# these parameters have different meanings dependent on prior choice
prior_a = 0,
prior_b = 5
initfn <- function() {
list(log_foi = rep(-8, length(ages)))
model_age <- stan_model("age_foi_no_seroreversion.stan")
fit_age <- optimizing(model_age, data = data_stan, init = initfn, as_vector = FALSE)
prob_age <- fit_age$par$prob_infected
fois_age <- fit_age$par$foi
fit_age2 <- sampling(model_age, data = data_stan, chains = 4, cores = 2, init = initfn, iter = 3000,
warmup = 900, refresh = 0, seed = 345)
// age-dependent FOI model - assuming a single cross-section
real age_foi_calc(int N, vector foi, real mu){
real prob = 0.0;
for(j in 1:N){
real lambda = foi[j];
prob = (1 / (lambda + mu)) * exp(-(lambda + mu)) * (lambda * (exp(lambda + mu) - 1) + prob * (lambda + mu));
int<lower=0> N; // No. rows in data or no. age classes
int n_pos[N]; // seropositive
int n_total[N]; // tested
// prior choices
int<lower=1, upper=7> prior_choice;
real<lower=0> prior_a;
real<lower=0> prior_b;
real<lower=0> mu;
transformed data{
int is_random_walk = prior_choice <= 4 ? 1 : 0;
row_vector[N] log_foi;
real<lower=0> sigma[is_random_walk ? 1 : 0];
real<lower=0> nu[is_random_walk ? 1 : 0];
transformed parameters{
real prob_infected[N];
vector[N] foi;
foi = to_vector(exp(log_foi));
for(i in 1:N){
prob_infected[i] = age_foi_calc(i, foi, mu);
// likelihood
n_pos ~ binomial(n_total, prob_infected) ;
// priors
if(prior_choice == 1) { // forward random walk
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[1] ~ normal(prior_a, prior_b);
for(i in 2:N)
log_foi[i] ~ normal(log_foi[i - 1], sigma);
} else if (prior_choice == 2) { // backward random walk
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[N] ~ normal(prior_a, prior_b);
for(i in 1:(N - 1))
log_foi[N - i] ~ normal(log_foi[N - i + 1], sigma);
} else if(prior_choice == 3){ // forward random walk with Student-t
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
nu ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[1] ~ normal(prior_a, prior_b);
for(i in 2:N)
log_foi[i] ~ student_t(nu, log_foi[i - 1], sigma);
} else if (prior_choice == 4) { // backward random walk with Student t
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
nu ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[N] ~ normal(prior_a, prior_b);
for(i in 1:(N - 1))
log_foi[N - i] ~ student_t(nu, log_foi[N - i + 1], sigma);
} else if(prior_choice == 5){ // uniform
foi ~ uniform(prior_a, prior_b);
target += sum(foi);
} else if(prior_choice == 6) { // weakly informative
foi ~ cauchy(prior_a, prior_b);
target += sum(foi);
} else if(prior_choice == 7) { // Laplace (sparsity-inducing)
foi ~ double_exponential(prior_a, prior_b);
target += sum(foi);
generated quantities {
int pos_pred[N];
pos_pred = binomial_rng(n_total, prob_infected);
@ben18785 - the code above works without errors or warnings, as it is. I noticed in #69 that 'is_binomial = TRUE' is supplied in the stan data list. are we using this somewhere?
Small update to the stan code above:
// age-dependent FOI model
real age_foi_calc(int age, int[] chunks, vector foi, real mu){
real prob = 0.0;
for(j in 1:age){
real lambda = foi[chunks[j]];
prob = (1 / (lambda + mu)) * exp(-(lambda + mu)) * (lambda * (exp(lambda + mu) - 1) + prob * (lambda + mu));
return prob;
real [] prob_infection_calc(int n_obs, int [] ages, int[] chunks, vector foi, real mu) {
real prob_infected[n_obs];
for(i in 1:n_obs){
int age = ages[i];
prob_infected[i] = age_foi_calc(age, chunks, foi, mu);
return prob_infected;
int<lower=0> n_obs; // No. rows in data or no. age classes
int n_pos[n_obs]; // seropositive
int n_total[n_obs]; // tested
int age_max;
int chunks[age_max]; // vector of chunks of length age_max
int ages[n_obs];
// model type
int<lower=0, upper=1> include_seroreversion;
// prior choices
int<lower=1, upper=6> prior_choice;
real<lower=0> prior_a;
real<lower=0> prior_b;
transformed data{
int is_random_walk = prior_choice <= 4 ? 1 : 0;
int n_chunks = max(chunks); // max value in the vector n_chunks
row_vector[n_chunks] log_foi; // length of vector = max value in the vector n_chunks
real<lower=0> sigma[is_random_walk ? 1 : 0]; // ?? only for R/W models
real<lower=0> nu[is_random_walk ? 1 : 0]; // ?? only for R/W models
real<lower=0> seroreversion_rate[include_seroreversion ? 1 : 0]; // rate of seroreversion
transformed parameters{
real<lower=0> mu;
real<lower=0> prob_infected[n_obs];
vector<lower=0>[n_chunks] foi = to_vector(exp(log_foi));
mu = seroreversion_rate[1];
} else{
mu = 0.0;
prob_infection = prob_infection_calc(n_obs, ages, chunks, foi, mu);
// likelihood
n_pos ~ binomial(n_total, prob_infected) ; // good!
// priors
seroreversion_rate ~ cauchy(0, 1);
if(prior_choice == 1) { // forward random walk
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[1] ~ normal(prior_a, prior_b);
for(i in 2:n_chunks)
log_foi[i] ~ normal(log_foi[i - 1], sigma);
} else if (prior_choice == 2) { // backward random walk
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[n_chunks] ~ normal(prior_a, prior_b);
for(i in 1:(n_chunks - 1))
log_foi[n_chunks - i] ~ normal(log_foi[n_chunks - i + 1], sigma);
} else if(prior_choice == 3){ // forward random walk with Student-t
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
nu ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[1] ~ normal(prior_a, prior_b);
for(i in 2:n_chunks)
log_foi[i] ~ student_t(nu, log_foi[i - 1], sigma);
} else if (prior_choice == 4) { // backward random walk with Student t
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
nu ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[n_chunks] ~ normal(prior_a, prior_b);
for(i in 1:(n_chunks - 1))
log_foi[n_chunks - i] ~ student_t(nu, log_foi[n_chunks - i + 1], sigma);
} else if(prior_choice == 5){ // uniform
foi ~ uniform(prior_a, prior_b);
target += sum(foi);
} else if(prior_choice == 6) { // weakly informative
foi ~ cauchy(prior_a, prior_b);
target += sum(foi);
generated quantities {
int pos_pred[n_obs];
pos_pred = binomial_rng(n_total, prob_infected);
@ben18785 - Updated R and stan code:
R - for simulating data and running age varying FOI model
# age-FOI model: piece-wise lambda estimation
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = 4)
simulate_foi_age_exact <- function(age, fois, chunks, mu) {
I <- 0
# solves ODE exactly within pieces
for(i in 1:age) {
lambda <- fois[chunks[i]]
I <- (1 / (lambda + mu)) * exp(- (lambda + mu)) * (lambda * (exp(lambda + mu) - 1) + I * (lambda + mu))
ages <- seq(1, 40, 1)
sample_size <- 100
#fois <- c(rep(0.01, 10), rep(0.05, 10), rep(0.1, 10), rep(0.03, 10))
fois <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.03)
chunks <- unlist(map(seq(1, 4, 1), ~rep(., 10))) # how many FOIs to estimate
mu <- 0.0 # no seroreversion
# (1) Model without seroreversion
# generate synthetic data assuming we have data for all individuals aged between 1-10
prob_infected_simulated <- map_dbl(ages, ~simulate_foi_age_exact(., fois, chunks, mu))
n_positive_age <- vector(length = length(ages))
for(i in seq_along(n_positive_age)) {
n_positive_age[i] <- rbinom(1, size = sample_size, prob = prob_infected_simulated[i])
df <- data.frame(npos = n_positive_age, total = rep(sample_size, length(n_positive_age)))
# write.csv(df, "age_no_seroreversion_mock_data.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# check the stan functions:
prob_infected_stan <- prob_infection_calc(ages = ages, chunks = chunks, foi = fois, mu = mu, n_obs = n_obs)
identical(prob_infected_simulated, prob_infected_stan)
fig1 <- tibble(age=ages, R_function=prob_infected_simulated, stan_function=prob_infected_stan) %>%
pivot_longer(-age) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=age, y=value, colour=name)) +
geom_line() + geom_point() + labs(y = "Probability infected") + guides(colour = "none") +
facet_wrap(.~ name)
ggsave(filename = "ageFOI_check_stan_fxn.png", fig1, width = 6, height = 4, dpi = 640)
#(2) Run stan model with simulated data:
# data for stan model
data_stan <- list(
n_obs = length(n_positive_age),
n_pos = n_positive_age,
n_total = rep(sample_size, length(n_positive_age)),
ages = ages,
is_binomial = TRUE,
include_seroreversion = 1,
age_max = max(ages),
chunks = chunks,
# these parameters have different meanings dependent on prior choice
foi_prior_choice = 3, # works w/o errors or warnings
foi_prior_a = 0,
foi_prior_b = 5,
serorev_prior_choice = 1,
serorev_prior_a = 0,
serorev_prior_b = 1
model_age <- stan_model("age_foi_seroreversion_13Aug23.stan")
initfn <- function() { list(log_foi = rep(-8, max(chunks))) }
fit <- optimizing(model_age, data = data_stan, init = initfn, as_vector = FALSE)
prob <- fit$par$prob_infected
foi_optim <- fit$par$foi
fit_age <- sampling(model_age, data = data_stan, chains = 4, init = initfn,
iter = 3000, warmup = 900, refresh = 0, seed = 345,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9999, max_treedepth = 25))
s <-, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))$summary)
model_ppc <- tibble::rownames_to_column(s, "parameter") %>% filter(grepl("pos_pred", parameter))
fig2 <- tibble(age=ages, simulated=n_positive_age, model_predicted=model_ppc$mean) %>%
pivot_longer(-age) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=age, y=value, colour=name)) +
geom_line() + geom_point() + labs(y = "Number positive", colour="")
ggsave(filename = "ageFOI_compare_outputs.png", fig2, width = 6, height = 4, dpi = 640)
Stan code:
// age-dependent FOI model - v1
real age_foi_calc(int age, int[] chunks, vector foi, real mu){
real prob = 0.0;
for(j in 1:age){
real lambda = foi[chunks[j]];
prob = (1 / (lambda + mu)) * exp(-(lambda + mu)) * (lambda * (exp(lambda + mu) - 1) + prob * (lambda + mu));
return prob;
real[] prob_infection_calc(int[] ages, int[] chunks, vector foi, real mu, int n_obs) {
real prob_infected[n_obs];
for(i in 1:n_obs){
int age = ages[i];
prob_infected[i] = age_foi_calc(age, chunks, foi, mu);
return prob_infected;
int<lower=0> n_obs; // No. rows in data or no. age classes
int n_pos[n_obs]; // seropositive
int n_total[n_obs]; // tested
int age_max;
int chunks[age_max]; // vector of length age_max
int ages[n_obs];
// model type
int<lower=0, upper=1> include_seroreversion;
// prior choices
int<lower=1, upper=6> foi_prior_choice;
real<lower=0> foi_prior_a;
real<lower=0> foi_prior_b;
int<lower=1, upper=3> serorev_prior_choice;
real<lower=0> serorev_prior_a;
real<lower=0> serorev_prior_b;
transformed data{
int is_random_walk = foi_prior_choice <= 4 ? 1 : 0;
int n_chunks = max(chunks); // max value in the vector n_chunks
row_vector[n_chunks] log_foi; // length of vector = max value in the vector n_chunks
real<lower=0> sigma[is_random_walk ? 1 : 0]; // only for R/W models
real<lower=0> nu[is_random_walk ? 1 : 0]; // only for R/W models
real<lower=0> seroreversion_rate[include_seroreversion ? 1 : 0]; // rate of seroreversion
transformed parameters{
real<lower=0> mu;
real<lower=0> prob_infection[n_obs];
vector<lower=0>[n_chunks] foi = to_vector(exp(log_foi));
mu = seroreversion_rate[1];
} else{
mu = 0.0;
prob_infection = prob_infection_calc(ages, chunks, foi, mu, n_obs);
// likelihood
n_pos ~ binomial(n_total, prob_infection);
// priors - seroreversion
if(include_seroreversion) {
if(serorev_prior_choice == 1) {
seroreversion_rate ~ cauchy(serorev_prior_a, serorev_prior_b);
} else if (serorev_prior_choice == 2) {
seroreversion_rate ~ normal(serorev_prior_a, serorev_prior_b);
} else if (serorev_prior_choice == 3) {
seroreversion_rate ~ uniform(serorev_prior_a, serorev_prior_b);
// priors - FOI
if(foi_prior_choice == 1) { // forward random walk
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[1] ~ normal(foi_prior_a, foi_prior_b);
for(i in 2:n_chunks)
log_foi[i] ~ normal(log_foi[i - 1], sigma);
} else if (foi_prior_choice == 2) { // backward random walk
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[n_chunks] ~ normal(foi_prior_a, foi_prior_b);
for(i in 1:(n_chunks - 1))
log_foi[n_chunks - i] ~ normal(log_foi[n_chunks - i + 1], sigma);
} else if(foi_prior_choice == 3){ // forward random walk with Student-t
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
nu ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[1] ~ normal(foi_prior_a, foi_prior_b);
for(i in 2:n_chunks)
log_foi[i] ~ student_t(nu, log_foi[i - 1], sigma);
} else if (foi_prior_choice == 4) { // backward random walk with Student t
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 1);
nu ~ cauchy(0, 1);
log_foi[n_chunks] ~ normal(foi_prior_a, foi_prior_b);
for(i in 1:(n_chunks - 1))
log_foi[n_chunks - i] ~ student_t(nu, log_foi[n_chunks - i + 1], sigma);
} else if(foi_prior_choice == 5){ // uniform
foi ~ uniform(foi_prior_a, foi_prior_b);
target += sum(foi);
} else if(foi_prior_choice == 6) { // weakly informative
foi ~ cauchy(foi_prior_a, foi_prior_b);
target += sum(foi);
generated quantities {
int pos_pred[n_obs];
pos_pred = binomial_rng(n_total, prob_infection);
Model estimated FOI vs. true value (used in data simulation):
model = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.14, 0.16)
true = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.03)
seroreversion rate model estimate = 0.02
Thanks @ekamau -- these look great. @davidsantiagoquevedo -- these are now ready for your review. Thanks!
Add a feature and functionality for age varying FOI model:
With a binomial likelihood: