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fail to install `{ragg}` in MacOS #115

Open avallecam opened 5 months ago

avallecam commented 5 months ago

Reinstalled webp:

brew info webp
==> webp: stable 1.3.2 (bottled), HEAD
Image format providing lossless and lossy compression for web images
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/webp/1.3.2 (63 files, 2.3MB) *
  Poured from bottle using the formulae.brew.sh API on 2024-01-23 at 18:25:21
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/HEAD/Formula/w/webp.rb
License: BSD-3-Clause
==> Dependencies
Build: cmake ✘
Required: giflib ✔, jpeg-turbo ✘, libpng ✔, libtiff ✔
==> Options
    Install HEAD version
==> Analytics
install: 75,767 (30 days), 250,667 (90 days), 1,036,950 (365 days)
install-on-request: 18,342 (30 days), 69,549 (90 days), 336,029 (365 days)
build-error: 65 (30 days)

However, the {ragg} install still fails:

** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘ragg’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
 unable to load shared object '/Users/lshjl15/Documents/LSHTM_code/tutorials/renv/profiles/lesson-requirements/renv/library/R-4.2/aarch64-apple-darwin20/.renv/1/00LOCK-ragg/00new/ragg/libs/ragg.so':
  dlopen(/Users/lshjl15/Documents/LSHTM_code/tutorials/renv/profiles/lesson-requirements/renv/library/R-4.2/aarch64-apple-darwin20/.renv/1/00LOCK-ragg/00new/ragg/libs/ragg.so, 0x0006): symbol not found in flat namespace '_WebPConfigInitInternal'
Error: loading failed
Execution halted
ERROR: loading failed
* removing ‘/Users/lshjl15/Documents/LSHTM_code/tutorials/renv/profiles/lesson-requirements/renv/library/R-4.2/aarch64-apple-darwin20/.renv/1/ragg’
install of package 'ragg' failed [error code 1]
ℹ See `$stdout` and `$stderr` for standard output and error.

Originally posted by @joshwlambert in https://github.com/epiverse-trace/tutorials/issues/104#issuecomment-1906709531

avallecam commented 5 months ago

hi @joshwlambert I created this one to follow up on the issue you reported

avallecam commented 3 months ago

Thanks @joshwlambert for commenting in https://github.com/epiverse-trace/tutorials-early/pull/5#pullrequestreview-1957674637 that you no longer have issues on this

Did you do anything new or additional to fix this? @CarmenTamayo just reported this issue in a last trial last week

joshwlambert commented 3 months ago

I didn't do anything that isn't specified in the reviewers instructions. I checkout the feature branch, run sandpaper::manage_deps() and then sandpaper::build_lesson() and after a few minutes my browser automatically opens the tutorials.