epos-eu / EPOS-DCAT-AP

DCAT-AP extension for the EPOS solid Earth sciences community
MIT License
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dcat:DataService instead of epos:Webservice #546

Open alko-k opened 3 years ago

alko-k commented 3 years ago

How about using the dcat:DataService that is already coming from dcat instead of the epos:Webservice?

rpaciello commented 3 years ago

EPOS-DCAT-AP was created in 2017 and therefore it is based on DCAT-AP v. 1.1. Since that version of DCAT-AP did not allow to describe web services, we created the epos:Webservice class.

Now we are planning to align EPOS-DCAT-AP with DCAT-AP v. 2 which includes dcat:DataService.

alko-k commented 3 years ago

Thanks you @rpaciello, it is good to know it.

marc-portier commented 2 years ago

as a (slightly hacking) work-around (that might work for others)

for the time being I have assigned both dcat:DataService and epos:WebService to the entities that fit the bill:

_:myservice a dcat:Dataservice , epos:WebService ;