epos-eu / EPOS-DCAT-AP

DCAT-AP extension for the EPOS solid Earth sciences community
MIT License
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loosen up xsd:string requirements too allow rdf:langString too #548

Open marc-portier opened 2 years ago

marc-portier commented 2 years ago

The current shapes.ttl is often strictly requiring a datatype of xsd:string in places where rdf:langstring feels equally ok.

For instances the many occurrences of dct:description properties fit this observation for sure.

As a consequence validation fails for a perfectly acceptable (and arguably even more open-accessible, globally inviting, and thus recommended?) case like this:

dct:description "Your description here, please."@en ;
dct:description "Votre description ici, svp"@fr ; 
dct:description "Uw beschriJving hier, aub"@nl ; 

If you all agree I would like us to

sh:datatype xsd:string ; 


sh:or ( [ sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] 
  [ sh:dataype rdf:langString ; ] ) ;

thx for considering.