epoupon / fileshelter

FileShelter is a “one-click” file sharing web application
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Share download links dont work with subfolders via Nginx #113

Open thestraycat opened 3 weeks ago

thestraycat commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, i know this has been discussed in previous issues... But this still seems valid for me.

I used to use this container for fileshelter which works fine with nginx subfolders: https://hub.docker.com/r/paulgalow/fileshelter

However after noticing that it hasn't been updated for 4 years, i thought it best to move to the official repo! lol

However after moving over i've noticed 2 strange issues.

  1. The option for "behind-reverse-proxy = true;" in fileshelter.conf dosn't seem to do anything! I can reverse proxy the application perfect fine with it set to true or false.

  2. Fileshelter works via nginx subfolder fine up to the point of downloading the file. The subfolder is not referenced in the share URL.

Which is strange as it is referenced when i create the share and upload files to it.


then clicking on it still shows the right URL in the address bar:


But then clicking download removes the subfolder from the URL.


The Nginx block that i use is very simple for testing and works fine with fileshelter v4.2. But does not work with your version 6.2 (latest)

Nginx Proxy config for subfolder:

  # Fileshelter redirect
  location /fileshelter {
    return 301 /fileshelter/;

  # Fileshelter CONTAINER
  location /fileshelter/ {
    include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;

The fileshelter.conf files for both my old instance on v4.2 and the new 6.2 seem interchangable and i have used the old fileshelter.conf file from v4.2 on your container on v6.2 and the issues still prevail so it seems either like changes to the codebase or differences in the container build process?

farfalleflickan commented 2 weeks ago

Same as issue 94, which is fixed by #105 .

thestraycat commented 2 weeks ago

@farfalleflickan - Thanks. But if i run your container via the 'latest' tag. And the fix was added around 3 months ago, and your docker container hasn't been updated for 4 months... would i even have it?


farfalleflickan commented 2 weeks ago

Unfortunately it has not been merged yet, so at the moment all you can do is use the develop branch of the pull request, build the source and use it that way.

I just wanted to highlight that the issue is technically fixed and all that is needed is for it to be merged.

thestraycat commented 1 week ago

ah cool! I'm not missing something then! Thanks for confirming - Its appreciated. Any ETA when you think it might get pushed out, really looking forward to this next release.

farfalleflickan commented 1 week ago

No clue it's up to @epoupon, I just contributed that PR.

thestraycat commented 1 week ago

Was sjust trying to gauge if it was worth wating for really. If it's gonna be 3-6 months then i'd have to jump over to something else. But i really quite like the project so want to wait if it makes sense.

epoupon commented 1 week ago

Hello! Thanks for your contributions. Will have to test all this (unfortunately, I am quite busy on some other projects for now)