epoupon / fileshelter

FileShelter is a “one-click” file sharing web application
GNU General Public License v3.0
469 stars 34 forks source link

problem with uploading a huge number of files #86

Open inokaw opened 1 year ago

inokaw commented 1 year ago

I have over 10,000 .blob files, I added them to a .7z (tried to upload before .rar, .zip) archive which ended up being about 40gb in size. Then I tried to upload the archive to the fileshelter, but the process stopped at 100%, I waited all weekend just in case. Further, I thought that the system was trying to get inside the archive, but after making the archive with a password I got the same result. For the sake of interest, I tried to upload .iso file and .bak database backup (each file is 40 GB in size) - it uploaded almost instantly without any problems. At the same time, there are zero errors in the fileshelter.log. Can you help solve the problem?

epoupon commented 1 year ago

Well this is strange. Fileshelter does not try to open your archive. So uploading a .7z file or a .iso file does not matter and should be the same.

You can try to run with full logs by tweaking this: https://github.com/epoupon/fileshelter/blob/a4a3b23f1bd4b9cc14b0839d66541ddfc0369099/conf/fileshelter.conf#L10 Change to log-config = "*";

inokaw commented 1 year ago

corrected the config as you said, in the screenshot the last entries in the log when the upload progress was stuck at 100% Screenshot_1

inokaw commented 1 year ago

@epoupon if you are interested, I can give such an archive by uploading it, for example, to Google Drive

Silun commented 8 months ago

I am having trouble uploading files as well. I just set it up in docker, and when I upload files, sometimes they just work, other times it just gets stuck at 0% upload:


It gets stuck at 0% in about 80-90% of cases larger than about 1 megabyte, I'd say. There is no helpful entry in the logs at all for this, even with the modification you suggested above. The only thing that appears is [info] "WebRequest: took 0.81 ms". I'm not really sure how to proceed. I run fileshelter via docker and behind nginx-proxy. I have tried setting behind-reverse-proxy to true and false without any noticeable difference.

This is my docker-compose:

    image: epoupon/fileshelter
    container_name: fileshelter
    user: "1000:1000"
    network_mode: bridge
    restart: always
#    ports:
#      - "5090:5091" #WebUI
      - VIRTUAL_PORT=5091
      - VIRTUAL_HOST=fileshelter.my.domain.tld
      - LETSENCRYPT_HOST=fileshelter.my.domain.tld
      - "/home/bsc/fileshelter/var:/var/fileshelter:rw"
      - "/home/bsc/fileshelter/fileshelter.conf:/etc/fileshelter.conf:rw"

and here is my fileshelter.conf: fileshelter.txt

Edit: This was my fault. I had the client_max_body_size set to the default of 1m. Info on how to change that is available at nginx-proxy.