pyoxigraph is limited in what it can parse, so maybe rdflib could help to load RDF, e.g., also from JSON-LD
My implementation
def parse_rdf(urls=None, input_format=RDF['input_format'], output_format=RDF['output_format'], output_path=RDF['output_path'],namespaces=RDF['namespaces']):
output_path = remove_base_path_if_matches(output_path, BASE_PATHS['results'])
combined_graph = Graph()
if namespaces:
for prefix, uri in namespaces.items():
ns = Namespace(uri)
combined_graph.namespace_manager.bind(prefix, ns, override=True)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
print("Error parsing the namespaces as JSON")
for url in urls:
g = Graph()
g.parse(url, format=input_format)
for s, p, o in g:
combined_graph.add((s, p, o))
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to parse RDF from {url}: {e}")
if len(combined_graph) > 0:
combined_graph.serialize(destination=output_path, format=output_format)
return {"url": output_path,"len_parse":len(g),"len_serialize":len(combined_graph)}
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Failed to serialize RDF to {output_path}: {e}"}
return {"error": "No data to serialize after parsing."}
takes a list of files as urls (but should also work for local files) and namespaces to bind similar to a JSON-LD context as key-value pairs.
pyoxigraph is limited in what it can parse, so maybe rdflib could help to load RDF, e.g., also from JSON-LD
My implementation
takes a list of files as urls (but should also work for local files) and namespaces to bind similar to a JSON-LD context as key-value pairs.