A basic inventory system will need to be decided upon and implemented. Basic functionality should allow the picking up of items and using of items.
Some items may be generalized, using components and UnityEvents. For example, various weapons could simply activate an animation controller and an attack component.
Others may need specific functionality. Such as a gas cannister that can be used to refill generators, or start fires.
Basic Items
Melee Weapon (Board, Pipe, etc. - just numerical differences there) - When used, perform attack
Ranged Weapon (Gun, Tazer) - When prepared aim, when used, perform ranged attack
Thrown Items (Bottle, Noisemaker, Molotov, Brick) - When prepared aimed, when used thrown.
Placed Items (Broken glass trap, tripwires, Cameras, Motion sensors) - When prepared aimed, when used set in place
Consumables (Alcohol, Bandages, Medicine, Adrenaline, etc.) - Prepared, then used. Optionally used on others? (Maybe just using self-consumes and preparing then using applies to friends)
Tools (Flashlight, Wrench, Gas Cannister, Bolt Cutters) - Items with specific uses outside of damage that are generally not consumed nor placed)
Misc. Items (Keycards, Keys, Notes) doesn't take up inventory 'slot' but rather a misc section and is used automatically when possible.
Upgrades (Toolbelt, Wrist Watch, Body Armor, Gas Mask) - Items that may or may not use an inventory slot and grant passive bonuses. Possibly applied outside of inventory system. Maybe even don't limit them, just don't allow for multiple items that take up the same slot.
I think in terms of inventory style, I want to limit what players can bring out with them to encourage teamwork and to negate inventory management during tense moments. In the bunker they can store and organize, but when out and about it needs to be quick and snappy. Limit slots to 2-3.
Kind of working base, but clients can't move the damn items for some reason. Not the end of the world as tbh I could do with swapping it to a preset model thing or smth idk
A basic inventory system will need to be decided upon and implemented. Basic functionality should allow the picking up of items and using of items.
Some items may be generalized, using components and UnityEvents. For example, various weapons could simply activate an animation controller and an attack component.
Others may need specific functionality. Such as a gas cannister that can be used to refill generators, or start fires.
Basic Items
I think in terms of inventory style, I want to limit what players can bring out with them to encourage teamwork and to negate inventory management during tense moments. In the bunker they can store and organize, but when out and about it needs to be quick and snappy. Limit slots to 2-3.