epri-dev / SCICHEM

This repository utilizes Git LFS to serve large files - please follow the README-Download-Instructions.txt file in order to access these files. This is a version of the SCIPUFF puff model with chemistry. It allows for the simulation of power plant plumes as a series of puffs that are transported in the atmosphere while undergoing chemical transformation.
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question #3

Closed qingfengnanmeng closed 2 months ago

qingfengnanmeng commented 1 year ago

Hello, after running SCIPUFF to successfully generate dos, ados, dep files, when running sciDosPost.exe, sciDosPost.exe appears to be flashing, what is the reason for this?

DougHenn commented 1 year ago

The error occurred when sciDOSpost attempted to write to the file scipuff.ini. Since you got to this point, I believe sciDOSpost has verified that the file exists, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Could another application be accessing scipuff.ini at the same time? I assume you're using run_scidospost.bat. Make sure the paths are appropriately set up for you.

DougHenn commented 1 year ago

There is a coding issue in SCIDOSPOST where it converts to upper case names when searching for receptor names. A workaround is to give the receptor names in upper in the SCIDOSPOST input file. An example is attached. SW_SS.sciDOSpost_UC.log

However, I eventually get a different error. But note that I tested this with a shortened SCICHEM calculation, and it is possible that the SCIDOSPOST calculation could work with 16 days of data. Please let me know if it works for you.

DougHenn commented 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure you're reading the NatCond file (sciData\Flag2010flag.2010.table.6.annual.csv). There would have been an error if the file wasn't found.

I just noticed that the file I previously attached was the wrong file. It was supposed to be the input file with receptor names changed to upper case letters. Try this one: SW_SS.sciDOSpost_UC.inp.txt

qingfengnanmeng commented 1 year ago

Thank you, the problem has been solved。

qingfengnanmeng commented 1 year ago

Hello,I have some questions about SCIDOSPOST. The inp file I set is attached,

  1. Can the concentration change of time series in the grid be obtained by setting different FTYPEs? rather than the concentration of continuous time changes at each RECEPTORS

  2. When FTYPE in the INP file is GRD, the error message shows that GRD files can only handle one time period. How can I set up to obtain the concentration changes of the grid's time series?

3.When FTYPE in the INP file is POST format, the output is the concentration change of the time series for each receptor point, and there are 14399 RECEPTORS. How is 14399 calculated?

SW_SS.sciDOSpost_0410.inp.t f7f49b92e82ed8a9d5ebe1cb4467467 xt o3.pst.txt

DougHenn commented 1 year ago

1) I'm not sure if this answers your question but it is possible to get a gridded time series. However, it is not in a convenient format. You cannot use the ‘GRD’ output option (that only works for a single gridded field as mentioned below) but you can use the POST format with a grid receptor file. This will create a file with a line for each receptor for the 1st time step, 2nd time step etc. 2) The GRD type output produces a single gridded field of a selected pollutant and selected averaging time period or metric (1st highest, 4th highest etc.). This is the Surfer 6 ascii grid file format ([https://grapherhelp.goldensoftware.com/subsys/ascii_grid_file_format.htm]). You cannot get multiple time steps (time series) of the gridded values. To get a time series, use a RECeptor set with only 1 point and 'TIME=ALL' as mentioned in the sample input file provided with the SCICHEM 3.3 package 3) The 14399 receptors are calculated from the grid definition: GRID coarse LL 0.036 -110.3 34.65 -105.98 38.90 ! approx 4km resolution

qingfengnanmeng commented 1 year ago

Hello,I have some questions about the SCIDOSPOST output of the fourth case, and the INP file is attached, 1.I want to output the average concentration of each pollutant over the entire simulation time (17 * 24=408 hr), Why are the output files empty when I set the TIME to ALL, period to 408hr and Statistic to Averagein the INP file?

  1. I want to output the average concentration of each pollutant for the entire simulation time of the grid(coarse). Shouldn't the output grd file be the same when TIME selects 1st or 2nd? why are all concentration values in the output GRD file (o3_408hr_2nd.grd) the same(-3.402823E+38) when TIME selecting 2nd? Thank you very much ! o3_408_average.pst .txt SW_SS.sciDOSpost_0420.inp.txt

o3_408hr_2nd.grd.txt o3_408hr.grd.txt no2_408_average.pst.txt

pkaramchandani commented 1 year ago

For 1) can you try con o3 ug/m3 sam AllRec 1st 408 hr Average PLOT o3_408_average.plt (i.e., replace "All" with "1st" and try a plot file instead of a post file)

For 2) they appear to be the same but both are garbage values. It's not quite clear why, but please note that the GRD option has not been well tested and we don't use it. We have been working with an option for netCDF outputs but that is incomplete after the sciDOSpost developer departed from our team (the same reason why the GRD option has not been well tested). I would suggest using other options for creating a gridded field (e.g., the option above for a 408-hour average concentration at each grid cell) and writing a script to take the values in the plot file to a format suitable for using in a grid plotting program. We have been successful in doing that for another client, but cannot share the script with you for client confidential reasons.

qingfengnanmeng commented 1 year ago

Hello, if I want to simulate VOC emissions from a single source, can the current version of the SCICHEM model complete the simulation? If so, can you provide a case for reference? Is there an IMC file for VOC simulation available? Thank you!

pkaramchandani commented 1 year ago

Hello. If you want to use speciated VOC emissions and their chemistry, the provided full chemistry imc file in the SCICHEM package will address your needs. You need to split up your VOC emissions into the CB6 chemistry mechanism species used in SCICHEM.

If you want to use a generic (or total) VOC, you can specify the emissions for that VOC, but you cannot make use of the full chemistry imc file nor can you do chemistry without providing a relevant chemistry scheme in your custom imc file. So it would have to be an inert simulation if you do not have such a chemistry mechanism. The imc file for the inert simulation would be similar to that provided for the SO2 case in the SCICHEM package.

Hope that helps

pkaramchandani commented 12 months ago


Are you able to run the processor with the provided shape files for the US states? Can you please test that first to see if it's an issue with your working environment? The CTM2SCICHEM package includes all the files you need for this test.

qingfengnanmeng commented 9 months ago

Hello, I have a couple of questions for you.

  1. Is there a detailed description of the copyright of the scichem model, and if so, can you tell me how to download or search the file?
  2. how many kilometers is the best simulation distance for scichem? What is the maximum distance of the simulation?
  3. Is scichem still reliable when simulating multiple sources? Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much!