epri-dev / SCICHEM

This repository utilizes Git LFS to serve large files - please follow the README-Download-Instructions.txt file in order to access these files. This is a version of the SCIPUFF puff model with chemistry. It allows for the simulation of power plant plumes as a series of puffs that are transported in the atmosphere while undergoing chemical transformation.
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Access Violation #4

Open HYyunduan opened 6 months ago

HYyunduan commented 6 months ago

Hello.When I tried to use scidospost.exe to pre-process the .dos file,there's something wrong with it. C1%IVP V2@YC0DBU7E0B8~V After I finishing customize some default settings to test the results, I tried to run the scidospost.exe, but it throws Access Violation error. How can I deal with this occasion? I will appreciate it if you can help me tackle this issue.


DougHenn commented 6 months ago

Sorry you're having a problem. We need output files and SCIDOSPOST input file to investigate. The SCICHEM input files will also be useful, but we don't need the meteorological input files, especially if they're large.

HYyunduan commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your response!The project name is 666,which I made this example using scipuffgui.exe serveral days ago.Thus most of the parameters are default.The GUI software can plot the contour picture successfully, image but I can't get the output by scidospost.exe. Here are the input and output files,I put them in a zip file. inputs_and_outputs.zip