eps696 / stargan2

StarGAN2 for practice
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Meaning of lowmem parameter #1

Closed gsotnikov closed 2 years ago

gsotnikov commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your interesting comments, I find them very meaningfull.

Can you please clarify what exactly are you trying to achieve by lowmem parameter as from my perspective it just removes a style vector (matrix ~ [Bs x StyleDim]), which is pretty lightweight.

It would be interesting to hear some numbers (like gpu mem savings), how it helps.


eps696 commented 2 years ago

thanks for yoru interest. lowmem has been induced when struggling with high resolution rendering for some project, and definitely helped to win some decent amount of pixels for inference/processing. i remember, that was surprise for me as well, but i just tried every possibility then, and this move suddenly worked. thus, i decided to keep it like that.

unfortunately, that was while ago, and i don't have any exact numbers about that. you may try youself; just in case, here's a debugging snippet i used back then (replacing vars as needed):

def cudamem(): return int(torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / (1024*1024))
def cudacache(): return int(torch.cuda.memory_cached() / (1024*1024))
mem_, cache_ = cudamem(), cudacache()
del vars;  torch.cuda.empty_cache()
print(' clean mem', mem_, cache_, '=>', cudamem(), cudacache())
gsotnikov commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I will figure it out!