epsaul / Energy-Group---Transition-Town-West-Kirby

Transition Town West Kirby's Energy Group Issues and documets
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Wirral Claimate Change Group #3

Open epsaul opened 9 years ago

epsaul commented 9 years ago

Wirral County Council's initiative. Various Public sector, Third Sector and Charity entities involved in addressing Climate Change issues.

epsaul commented 9 years ago

Briefing Note Meeting of Wirral Climate Change Group on 16th June 2015 at Wirral Borough Council's offices at the Cheshire Lines Building, Birkenhead. This note is intended to brief members of Transition Town, West Kirby (Transition Town) of the key issues raised and discussed in advance of the full and formal meeting minutes. The meeting was attended by Prof. Gareth Padfield and Edward Saul on behalf of Transition Town. The meeting was chaired by Jeff Sherlock, Deputy Director, Wirral Council. Minutes were taken by Dr. Bryan Lipscombe, Climate Change Officer, Wirral Council.

  1. Introduction and apologies. Gareth and Ed introduced themselves and their role within Transition Town and its working group on energy issues.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting. No significant issues tabled.
  3. Wirral local Climate Impact Profile 2005-14 Dr. Lipscombe described the problems faced by the Council in dealing with significant changes in the occurrence in severe weather events over the past ten years and the approach to developing the Council's climate adaptation strategy. The initiative sources historic information from local news report archives and seeks to use a model developed by Kent County Council's Servere Weather Impact Monitoring System (SWIMS). Gareth queried the types of event being experienced. The indications were that these were predominantly marine related events. Ed pointed out that with the advent of the Internet of Things, there was increasing availability of more accurate and widespread data on climate including air quality and weather conditions to facilitate prediction and response systems.
  4. Resilient Parks Project Bill Cooper of Wirral Council delivered a presentation on managing Wirral's park amenities to deal with the impact of changing weather conditions including wetter winters and hotter summers. A case study of Central Park, Wallasey was presented.
  5. Investigation into existing wind power installations Mia Coleman of Wirral Council delivered a presentation on wind power in Wirral. Key findings were that there was a significant potential for wind power on Wirral that was not being realised. Credible evidence was presented from delegates indicating that the public resistance to wind power on a “Not in my backyard” level and current central government planning statutory instruments were preventing approval for individual schemes of even very humble size and deterring interest in other potential onshore schemes right up to the size which might be contemplated by Utility Companies. Gareth and Ed advised the meeting of Transition Town's proposed series of public information talks on energy issues and suggested that the public perception on wind power could be better informed through one of these talks.
  6. Climate Strategy Annual Progress Report Tabled but not discussed in detail.
  7. Climate Strategy Action Plan Dr. Lipscombe described a proposal for a new strategy to address current outstanding actions on the plan. Currently issues and actions are listed in spreadsheet format but it was suggested that a Collaborative Project Management application such as Trello be adopted to energise a proactive approach to sharing information amongst the team and working together towards completing goals.
  8. Cool Wirral Presence Gareth Queried the origin and derivation of the figures quoted in the available documents. Clarification was sought on the 1990 Baseline; 2020 target; National versus local targets; Progress to date; What would this mean for Wirral? Dr. Lipscombe acknowledged the relevance of the questions and undertook to provide the answers outside the meeting. Gareth raised the difficulty in accessing information as a member of the public particularly with regard to understanding what an individual or household could do to have an impact on the stated aims. It became clear that there were significant resource difficulties within the Council's communications team in being able to present a forum in a way that it stood out from the large volume of information communicated by the Council (ie a separate web-site). Gareth and Ed advised that Transition Town would be willing to explore the potential for making available a section of their website for hosting more comprehensive information on the Council's goals and policies on climate change with a view to better informing the local community on what they can do in order to achieve them.
  9. Partner Updates/Information Exchange Gareth and Ed informed the meeting of the proposed Transition Town series of public information meetings on energy and climate change. Waste management goals were discussed. Currently 39% recycled. Aim is >50%. Plans to reintroduce kitchen waste recycling (separate to garden waste this time) were described which address previous problems of compliance with foot and mouth regulations . Wirral Parks Open Day 29 July 2:30 to 7:30pm lectures from 5:30. Chamber of Commerce: Business Improvement District proposed – Cleaner, Safer, better marketed business in Birkenhead. Regional Growth Fund potential for £5M to enhance supply chain opportunities for offshore energy (Local use) for Wirral which in turn could lead to £13M (not clear if this was in total, with the RGF funding or or extra to it) private investment.
  10. AOB SOL PV presentation proposed for w/c 13 July (?). Community Cooperative Energy Schemes.