epsylon / ufonet

UFONet - Denial of Service Toolkit
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*** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***: /usr/bin/python2.7 terminated #6

Closed stuffresearch closed 8 years ago

stuffresearch commented 8 years ago

Gentoo AMD64 Stable - dev-lang/python-2.7.10-r1:2.7


Also, there is the same error when trying to use dorks google and other sites not working properly

If you need anything to test , let me know, I`ll help you


epsylon commented 8 years ago

I think that it is a problem with a bug on libcurl... Which version do you have?.

"libcurl built without an asynchronous resolver library uses alarm() to time out DNS lookups. When a timeout occurs, this causes libcurl to jump from the signal handler back into the library with a sigsetjmp, which effectively causes libcurl to continue running within the signal handler."

Try this patch:

c.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1) # pass 'long' to stack to fix libcurl bug

If all is ok you shouldn't have more that error. Please try it and send me some feedback. If is working I will supply a commit for it.

Thanks for your time and your report.


stuffresearch commented 8 years ago

Works like a charm ! c.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1) # pass 'long' to stack to fix libcurl bug


Count on me !

As said Duke Nukem ( Let`s rock !!! )

stuffresearch commented 8 years ago

dev-python/pycurl Latest version available:

net-misc/curl Latest version available: 7.45.0

stuffresearch commented 8 years ago

some times engines ( google etc ) works other no, it`s a little unstable

epsylon commented 8 years ago

Is that last comment related with this bug?..

If not, take this trick: google (and some others) is trying to block Tor network connections providing a captcha to be solved when websurfing. Because of UFONet cannot resolve that question from network layer google is blocking connections after you change your IP:

You can try to restart your Tor network relay to try to found a non-blocked IP using for example: /etc/init.d/tor restart

Or you can visit google with this IP, solve captcha manually and try UFONet again. This last option will be more useful for the rest of Tor's community... :-)

stuffresearch commented 8 years ago

can we talk on #ufonet ?

stuffresearch commented 8 years ago

I`m on $ufonet ping me there

The issue related with libcurl already fixed with c.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1) # pass 'long' to stack to fix libcurl bug

feel free to resolve this issue