2013-11-08 14:23:53,382 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Scan time: 8.00 seconds
2013-11-08 14:23:53,386 INFO zen.ZenModeler: Daemon ZenModeler shutting down
Exception TypeError: 'isinstance() arg 2 must be a class, type, or tuple of classes and types' in <bound method adbapiClient.__del__ of <ZenPacks.community.SQLDataSource.SQLClient.adbapiClient object at 0x538bd90>> ignored
Could you resolve this error in Zenoss v4.2.4?
ZenPacks.community.OracleMon: Latest source code ZenPacks.community.RDBMS: Latest source code ZenPacks.community.SQLDataSource: v2.5.0
Error after success model device: