I have a bunch of bookmarks managed by nb. It saves the page as markdown with a h1 level header (single #) as the page title. Sometimes I'll want to link to these bookmarks from an Obsidian note but when I type [[ and start typing the title it does not find the file. It only finds files that have titles in frontmatter (which is created if I manually edit the bookmark file)
This worked on a previous version. Somewhere between 2.7.0 and 3.3.1 it stopped. I've not seen any commit/docs that suggest the change but I can try to track down later if it's not a deliberate change
require('obsidian').setup {
dir = "~/nb", -- no need to call 'vim.fn.expand' here
-- Optional, if you keep notes in a specific subdirectory of your vault.
notes_subdir = "notes",
-- Optional, set the log level for Obsidian. This is an integer corresponding to one of the log
-- levels defined by "vim.log.levels.*" or nil, which is equivalent to DEBUG (1).
log_level = vim.log.levels.INFO,
daily_notes = {
-- Optional, if you keep daily notes in a separate directory.
folder = "notes/dailies",
-- Optional, if you want to change the date format for daily notes.
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
new_notes_location = "notes_subdir",
note_frontmatter_func = function(note)
-- Add the title of the note as an alias.
if note.title then
local out = { id = note.id, aliases = note.aliases, tags = note.tags }
-- `note.metadata` contains any manually added fields in the frontmatter.
-- So here we just make sure those fields are kept in the frontmatter.
if note.metadata ~= nil and not vim.tbl_isempty(note.metadata) then
for k, v in pairs(note.metadata) do
out[k] = v
return out
-- Optional, completion.
completion = {
-- If using nvim-cmp, otherwise set to false
nvim_cmp = true,
-- Trigger completion at 2 chars
min_chars = 2,
-- Where to put new notes created from completion. Valid options are
-- * "current_dir" - put new notes in same directory as the current buffer.
-- * "notes_subdir" - put new notes in the default notes subdirectory.
-- Optional, customize how names/IDs for new notes are created.
note_id_func = function(title)
-- Create note IDs in a Zettelkasten format with a timestamp and a suffix.
-- In this case a note with the title 'My new note' will given an ID that looks
-- like '1657296016-my-new-note', and therefore the file name '1657296016-my-new-note.md'
local suffix = ""
if title ~= nil then
-- If title is given, transform it into valid file name.
suffix = title:gsub(" ", "-"):gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9-]", ""):lower()
-- If title is nil, just add 4 random uppercase letters to the suffix.
for _ = 1, 4 do
suffix = suffix .. string.char(math.random(65, 90))
return suffix
-- Optional, set to true if you don't want Obsidian to manage frontmatter.
disable_frontmatter = false,
-- Optional, for templates (see below).
templates = {
subdir = "templates",
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d-%a",
time_format = "%H:%M",
-- Optional, by default when you use `:ObsidianFollowLink` on a link to an external
-- URL it will be ignored but you can customize this behavior here.
follow_url_func = function(url)
-- Open the URL in the default web browser.
vim.fn.jobstart({"open", url}) -- Mac OS
-- vim.fn.jobstart({"xdg-open", url}) -- linux
-- Optional, set to true if you use the Obsidian Advanced URI plugin.
-- https://github.com/Vinzent03/obsidian-advanced-uri
use_advanced_uri = true,
-- Optional, set to true to force ':ObsidianOpen' to bring the app to the foreground.
open_app_foreground = false,
-- Optional, by default commands like `:ObsidianSearch` will attempt to use
-- telescope.nvim, fzf-lua, and fzf.nvim (in that order), and use the
-- first one they find. By setting this option to your preferred
-- finder you can attempt it first. Note that if the specified finder
-- is not installed, or if it the command does not support it, the
-- remaining finders will be attempted in the original order.
finder = "telescope.nvim",
ui = {
enable = true,
checkboxes = {
-- NOTE: the 'char' value has to be a single character, and the highlight groups are defined below.
[" "] = { char = "ó°±", hl_group = "ObsidianTodo" },
["x"] = { char = "ļ ", hl_group = "ObsidianDone" },
["-"] = { char = "ó°”", hl_group = "ObsidianTodoPartial" },
[">"] = { char = "ļø", hl_group = "ObsidianRightArrow" },
["o"] = { char = "ó°ŗ", hl_group = "ObsidianTodoCancel" },
hl_groups = {
-- The options are passed directly to `vim.api.nvim_set_hl()`. See `:help nvim_set_hl`.
ObsidianExtLinkIcon = { fg = "#d8a657" },
ObsidianRefText = { underline = true, fg = "#d8a657" },
ObsidianBullet = { bold = true, fg = "#7c6f64" },
ObsidianDone = { fg = "#a9b665" },
ObsidianTodoCancel = { fg = "#ea6962" },
š Describe the bug
I have a bunch of bookmarks managed by nb. It saves the page as markdown with a h1 level header (single #) as the page title. Sometimes I'll want to link to these bookmarks from an Obsidian note but when I type
and start typing the title it does not find the file. It only finds files that have titles in frontmatter (which is created if I manually edit the bookmark file)This worked on a previous version. Somewhere between 2.7.0 and 3.3.1 it stopped. I've not seen any commit/docs that suggest the change but I can try to track down later if it's not a deliberate change