epwalsh / obsidian.nvim

Obsidian 🤝 Neovim
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A little Windows CRLF problem #584

Open RaidOpe opened 1 month ago

RaidOpe commented 1 month ago

🐛 Describe the bug

I think I find the key of warning commanding git add . by GIt Bash where less person build that work flow

fatal: CRLF would be replaced by LF in 100-ComputerKnowledge/Python/python_funcCode.md

Use cat -e <filename>

id: test^M$
aliases: []^M$
tags: []^M$

It comes from note.lua

 table.concat(note:frontmatter_lines(), "\n"),
        "id: note_with_additional_metadata",
        "aliases: []",
        "tags: []",
        "foo: bar",
      }, "\n")

Nvim in Windows using $ when editing, This may not be a bug, but Windows is using CRLF, and I have to create a new file in dos2unix every time. I know I can turn off the autocrlf to use .gitattributes to tell Git what to do . but still, it may be personal.



