epwalsh / obsidian.nvim

Obsidian 🤝 Neovim
Apache License 2.0
3.94k stars 180 forks source link

Header link prioritize last occurrence over minimal depth #606

Open mscott99 opened 4 months ago

mscott99 commented 4 months ago

🐛 Describe the bug

For the following markdown:

# Statement
# Other stuff
## Statement

The latter "Statement" is prioritized, which is not the default behaviour in Obsidian, and less intuitive.




{ "epwalsh/obsidian.nvim", enabled = true, lazy = true, event = "BufReadPre " .. vim.fn.expand("~") .. "/Obsidian/.md", cmd = { "ObsidianOpen", "ObsidianQuickSwitch", "ObsidianSearch" }, -- If you want to use the home shortcut '~' here you need to call 'vim.fn.expand': -- event = { "BufReadPre " .. vim.fn.expand "~" .. "/my-vault/.md" }, dependencies = { -- Required. "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",

  -- Optional, for completion.

  -- Optional, for search and quick-switch functionality.

  -- Optional, alternative to nvim-treesitter for syntax highlighting.
  -- "preservim/vim-markdown",
opts = {
  dir = "~/Obsidian/myVault/", -- no need to call 'vim.fn.expand' here

  -- Optional, if you keep notes in a specific subdirectory of your vault.
  notes_subdir = "Zettelkasten/",
  daily_notes = {
    -- Optional, if you keep daily notes in a separate directory.
    folder = "Temporal/Daily Notes/",
    -- Optional, if you want to change the date format for daily notes.
    date_format = "%Y-%m-%d",

  -- Optional, completion.
  completion = {
    nvim_cmp = true, -- if using nvim-cmp, otherwise set to false

  -- -- Optional, customize how names/IDs for new notes are created.
  note_id_func = function(title)
    return title
  -- Optional, set to true if you don't want Obsidian to manage frontmatter.
  disable_frontmatter = true,

  -- Optional, alternatively you can customize the frontmatter data.
  note_frontmatter_func = function(note)
    -- This is equivalent to the default frontmatter function.
    -- local out = { id = note.id, aliases = note.aliases, tags = note.tags }
    local out = {}
    -- `note.metadata` contains any manually added fields in the frontmatter.
    -- So here we just make sure those fields are kept in the frontmatter.
    if note.metadata ~= nil and require("obsidian").util.table_length(note.metadata) > 0 then
      for k, v in pairs(note.metadata) do
        out[k] = v
    return out

  -- -- Optional, for templates (see below).
  -- templates = {
  --   subdir = "templates",
  --   date_format = "%Y-%m-%d-%a",
  --   time_format = "%H:%M",
  -- },
  -- Optional, by default when you use `:ObsidianFollowLink` on a link to an external
  -- URL it will be ignored but you can customize this behavior here.
  follow_url_func = function(url)
    -- Open the URL in the default web browser.
    vim.fn.jobstart({ "open", url }) -- Mac OS
    -- vim.fn.jobstart({"xdg-open", url})  -- linux

  -- Optional, set to true if you use the Obsidian Advanced URI plugin.
  -- https://github.com/Vinzent03/obsidian-advanced-uri
  use_advanced_uri = true,

  -- Optional, set to true to force ':ObsidianOpen' to bring the app to the foreground.
  open_app_foreground = true,

  -- Optional, by default commands like `:ObsidianSearch` will attempt to use
  -- telescope.nvim, fzf-lua, and fzf.nvim (in that order), and use the
  -- first one they find. By setting this option to your preferred
  -- finder you can attempt it first. Note that if the specified finder
  -- is not installed, or if it the command does not support it, the
  -- remaining finders will be attempted in the original order.
  finder = "telescope.nvim",
config = function(_, opts)
  require("setup.export_obsidian") -- load personal export function.

  -- Optional, override the 'gf' keymap to utilize Obsidian's search functionality.
  -- see also: 'follow_url_func' config option above.
  vim.keymap.set("n", "gf", function()
    if require("obsidian").util.cursor_on_markdown_link() then
      return "<cmd>ObsidianFollowLink<CR>"
      return "gf"
  end, { noremap = false, expr = true })
keys = {
  { "<leader>of", "<cmd>ObsidianQuickSwitch<CR>", desc = "Open Obsidian File" },
  { "<leader>oo", "<cmd>ObsidianOpen<CR>", desc = "Open Note in Obsidian" },
  { "<leader>ob", "<cmd>ObsidianBacklinks<CR>", desc = "Open Backlinks" },
