epwalsh / pomo.nvim

:new: :stopwatch: A simple, customizable pomodoro timer for Neovim, written in Lua, with nvim-notify, lualine, and telescope integrations
Apache License 2.0
154 stars 7 forks source link

Needed to add `vim.notify = require "notify"` to get pomo to use nvim-notify. #10

Closed donhn closed 6 months ago

donhn commented 6 months ago

🐛 Describe the bug

Hey there, going to start with a few caveats. I'm using NvChad and know just enough to get by. I was having some trouble getting pomo to use nvim-notify until I read over the documentation for nvim-notify and saw it required vim.notify = require("notify").

This is the complete entry:

    version = "*", -- Recommended, use latest release instead of latest commit
    lazy = true,
    cmd = { "TimerStart", "TimerRepeat" },
    dependencies = {
      -- Optional, but highly recommended if you want to use the "Default" timer
      config = function()
        require("notify").setup {
          background_colour = "#000000",
        vim.notify = require "notify"
    opts = {},

The background_colour issue might be unique to NvChad. Everything works well now, thanks for making this plugin! image


NVIM v0.9.2 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.1692716794


epwalsh commented 6 months ago

Hey @donhn, good catch. #11 provides a fix so that you don't need to patch vim.notify, although it's fine if you do.