Closed TomWinder closed 4 years ago
Morning, thanks for looking at this. It looks like you are correct - apologies for this, I clearly didn't look into paz_2_amplitude_value_of_freq_resp
Is the analog equivalent actually equivalent, or should we be correcting using something like:
from scipy.signal import iirfilter, sosfreqz
sos = iirfilter(corners, [lowcut / (0.5 * tr.stats.sampling_rate),
highcut / (0.5 * tr.stats.sampling_rate)],
btype='band', ftype='butter', output='sos')
_, gain = sosfreqz(sos, worN=[1 / period], fs=tr.stats.sampling_rate)
amplitude /= np.abs(gain)
@twinder36 I had a go at fixing this using the method I suggested above using the digital filter in the PR here: #378
It would be great to get your feedback on that.
No worries @calum-chamberlain, I've been going through all of this with a fine tooth-comb the past few days to finalise the magnitudes module of QuakeMigrate - the magnitudes code in EQcorrscan has provided a useful reference!
Having played with the two options a bit it seems there is generally a negligible difference between using the equivalent analog response and reading it from sosfreqz, but yours is the more correct approach. Looks good to me.
Great, I'm glad it hasn't actually screwed up a workflow - thanks for reporting the issue!
QuakeMigrate looks like its coming along well - what more are you guys planning with it?
When correcting for gain of pre_filt in mag_calc, a digital filter design is used rather than analog, which is not appropriate to look up the filter gain for a given frequency.
In ObsPy the iirfilter designed to apply a butterworth bandpass filter is digital, so that it is suitable to be applied using scipy.signal.sosfilt().
To look up the filter gain for a given frequency (and correct the amplitude observation for this) an analog filter should be used (as expected by the ObsPy response functions).
Current code:
Correct filter design: