Closed TomWinder closed 3 years ago
Hi Tom, Bugger - it looks like some test-data were not downloaded successfully for some reason! In particular it looks like all the files in this directory were not downloaded/extracted. Your best bet might be to download the files manually and put them in the required place. Otherwise you can remove the whole test-data directory and re-run to force re-downloading.
On the other hand, if you don't care about using subspace then you can ignore these fails.
Sorry about this!
Hmm. I've had a look, and in both my downloads (through the conda install and running the test script, and through cloning the git repository) the file (eqcorrscan/tests/test_data/subspace/master_detector_multi.h5) is present, but when I follow the read function it gives this same AttributeError (in both cases):
In [1]: import h5py
In [2]: filename = '/home/tebw2/.miniconda3/envs/eqcorrscan/lib/python3.7/site-packages/eqcorrscan/tests/test_data/subspace/master_detector_multi.h5'
In [3]: f = h5py.File(filename, "r")
In [4]: f["data"].attrs["length"]
Out[4]: 1
In [5]: f["data"]["data_0"]
Out[5]: <HDF5 dataset "data_0": shape (540, 540), type "<f8">
In [6]: a = f["data"]["data_0"]
In [7]: f["data"]["data_0"].value
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-355d0f8731f6> in <module>
----> 1 f["data"]["data_0"].value
AttributeError: 'Dataset' object has no attribute 'value'
I also previously tried re-downloading in case this was the cause, which made no difference (though I encountered the issues with needing to remove the download and .eqcorrscan directories before being able to re-run the tests described in #435 ).
The plot thickens! Can you let me know what version of h5py you have installed? I will try to reproduce here, but because this used to work I suspect that it might be a version thing...
Yep, classic. I'm on 3.1.0
So I tested this locally with h5py 2.10 (from 2019 it appears!) and it ran fine, but on upgrading to 3.1.0 I get the same error.
This appears to be due to a change in the 3.x series noted on this page:
The deprecated Dataset.value property was removed. Use ds[()] to read all data from any dataset.
To get around this we will need to update the codebase a little - @TomWinder if you want to fix this in a small PR that would be greatly appreciated, otherwise, if you want to ignore this for now, then you can probably safely downgrade h5py until I get around to fixing this.
I'm going to update the title of this issue to make it easier to find for anyone else running into this error.
I 'downdated' to 2.10 and can confirm this sorts the issue for me, too. I just have one error which is the "1.0" vs "1" comparison.
For the time being I'm just going to run like this. I would be happy to submit a PR when I have a bit more time, but I think it's likely you'll get around to it before me, I'm afraid!
What do you need help with?
Hi Calum, I've downloaded and installed eqcorrscan (using conda), and run the test script, but it has produced some errors / failed tests. From a quick look at the log, it seems to be a single error which is causing all the issues, but I'm not familiar enough with the code to know if it is on my end or a bug.
Provide an example so that we can reproduce your problem
Install eqcorrscan via conda install, pip install pytest, run
What help would you like?
Let me know whether the issue is caused by my install / environment, or a bug in the code!
What is your setup? (please complete the following information):**
Log file attached. eqcorrscan_test.log