equinix-labs / terraform-equinix-metal-eks-anywhere

EKS Anywhere on Equinix Metal (Baremetal)
Apache License 2.0
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Ubuntu images no longer available #32

Open cprivitere opened 2 years ago

cprivitere commented 2 years ago

We can't use ubuntu based OS images anymore due to a change on the Amazon side. From the v0.11.0 changelog:

v0.11.0 Breaking Changes EKS Anywhere no longer distributes Ubuntu OVAs for use with EKS Anywhere clusters. Building your own Ubuntu-based nodes as described in Building Ubuntu-based node images is the only supported way to get that functionality.

So we're going to need to get bottlerocket working. (#20)

cprivitere commented 2 years ago

If you try to use EKS-A as we have shown in this repo, the cluster will fail to provision.

If you try to manually pull the Ubuntu image at (https://anywhere-assets.eks.amazonaws.com/releases/bundles/13/artifacts/raw/1-22/ubuntu-v1.22.10-eks-d-1-22-9-eks-a-13-amd64.gz) you'll get:

403 Permission Denied

cprivitere commented 2 years ago

If you look at the tinkerbell workflow, the status will be STATE_FAILED. This is also reflected in the tink-server pod's logs.

displague commented 2 years ago

As noted in the description, one way to get Ubuntu images working again would be to build and host the Ubuntu images on the eksa-admin node.

The process is described at https://anywhere.eks.amazonaws.com/docs/reference/clusterspec/baremetal/#osimageurl