While attempting to delete VLANs in bulk, I found that the VLANs were not being deleted as expected.
for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do metal vlan create --description delme; done
metal vlans get -o json | jq -r '.virtual_networks[] | select(.description==delme) | .id' | \
xargs -I{} metal vlan delete -i {} \;
-f is needed to force the deletion but there is no indication of this.
Either a warning should be returned when there is no terminal to receive confirmation from or -f should be implied in batch mode. Alternatively, the documentation should call out that -f is required for use in batch mode where no terminal is present.
While attempting to delete VLANs in bulk, I found that the VLANs were not being deleted as expected.
is needed to force the deletion but there is no indication of this.Either a warning should be returned when there is no terminal to receive confirmation from or
should be implied in batch mode. Alternatively, the documentation should call out that-f
is required for use in batch mode where no terminal is present.