equinor / cc-components

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🐛: Pipetest: No circuit diagrams #1018

Open MagnusGjosund opened 1 month ago

MagnusGjosund commented 1 month ago


There is no circuit diagrams in any pipetest sidesheets. Seems like the it's not correctly implemented in frontend and backend


Check any pipetest sidesheet

Expected behavior

Get the circuit diagram for the tags (heat traces?) involved in the pipetest

Gustav-Eikaas commented 1 month ago

Seems the change was introduced when removing eleconsumers

frontend: https://github.com/equinor/cc-components/pull/929/files#diff-beb2e7c2803df85bdd636706f71d4b5c37b2e664569ccd457b6b68e4ed2dbb27R12

Backend: https://github.com/equinor/fusion-data-gateway/pull/528/files#diff-5a4b71e787941f79d19412d43d7032fad467ec12eddbee19146af79b1cd93b67R11-R12

Not sure what happened here though. Seems like just a mistake.

Seems like the solution here is to add an endpoint in pipetest that returns what the old endpoint used to return

Gustav-Eikaas commented 1 month ago

Changes are done but there seems to be an issue with the data, only few of the pipetest objects have heattrace relations.

Currently investigating with @aman-riaz

Gustav-Eikaas commented 1 month ago

After investigating with Aman; We need to do some changes in the SQL view.