Describe the improvement you would like to see
Currently there are multiple places in the code that updates Robot Status and this leads to bugs with wrong statuses being displayed after robot drops out. See #1359.
[x] #1488
[x] Remove combined status in isar to address
[x] Renamed robot enabled #1249
[x] #1484
[x] #1485
[x] #1486
[x] #1487
[x] #1493
How will this change existing functionality?
Existing functionality should remain the same, but be more robust
How will this improvement affect the current Threat Model?
Describe the improvement you would like to see Currently there are multiple places in the code that updates Robot Status and this leads to bugs with wrong statuses being displayed after robot drops out. See #1359.
How will this change existing functionality? Existing functionality should remain the same, but be more robust
How will this improvement affect the current Threat Model? N/A