Describe the improvement you would like to see
Currently, the frontend banners have designs that do not match. The error banner doesn't have a sketch in Figma and therefore the design should be aligned with the Safe Zone banners.
Make the design of Error banner more similar to the Safe Zone banner.
Change Safe Zone banner text to robot already at safe zone when robot reaches safe zone.
Find lighter colors for the Safe Zone banner (until we get fnal colors from UX design, this has been talked in the meetings).
Improve the hover colors on the buttons.
How will this change existing functionality?
It's just CSS, the functionality will be the same.
How will this improvement affect the current Threat Model?
Leave blank for maintainers to fill out if you are uncertain about this.
Describe the improvement you would like to see Currently, the frontend banners have designs that do not match. The error banner doesn't have a sketch in Figma and therefore the design should be aligned with the Safe Zone banners.
How will this change existing functionality? It's just CSS, the functionality will be the same.
How will this improvement affect the current Threat Model? Leave blank for maintainers to fill out if you are uncertain about this.