equinor / flotilla

Flotilla is the main point of access for operators to interact with multiple robots in a facility.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Store custom missions in SQL table instead of blob storage #1577

Open andchiind opened 1 month ago

andchiind commented 1 month ago

Describe the improvement you would like to see Instead of storing and reading custom missions as JSONs in blob storage, make a new table which contains a string of the missions as a JSON, as well as the hash of the mission. Then we can look up the hash of the current mission we are uploading to check if it already has a record, and otherwise we make a new record.

How will this change existing functionality? We would remove any reference to Azure blob storage, making it easier to use for other developers.

How will this improvement affect the current Threat Model? It will remove another dependency which might improve the Threat Model.