equinor / flotilla

Flotilla is the main point of access for operators to interact with multiple robots in a facility.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Generalize Mission Planner #1581

Open tsundvoll opened 1 month ago

tsundvoll commented 1 month ago

Describe the new feature you would like to see I want listing and retrieving missions to be modular. I want Flotilla to be able to talk to different / various mission planners. I want a general mission planner service (and controller) and a corresponding mock microservice to talk to by default

Describe the solution you'd like The various mission planners can be hosted as microservices outside Flotilla.

You choose mission planner microservice by pointing to the url of the respective microservice.

Each microservice should:

The Echo implementation of the microservice can live in a separate repository.

How will this feature affect the current Threat Model? More decoupled code