equinor / flotilla

Flotilla is the main point of access for operators to interact with multiple robots in a facility.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Move robot battery/pressure limits to ISAR #1605

Open andchiind opened 2 weeks ago

andchiind commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the improvement you would like to see Instead of storing business logic related to the robots in both Flotilla and ISAR, it should mostly be in ISAR, and then Flotilla can update its internal values, just as it does with robot capabilities. One such business logic is battery and pressure limits, which is currently not self configurable in Flotilla.

How will this change existing functionality? We will not need to edit these database values manually. Instead we will need to store them in ISAR and update Flotilla in the info messages that the ISAR instances send.

How will this improvement affect the current Threat Model? N/A