equinor / fmu-dataio

FMU data standard and data export with rich metadata in the FMU context
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Transfer selected blocks from global_variables.yml to case metadata #337

Open perolavsvendsen opened 1 year ago

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

As discussed off-line in various contexts. There is a need for consumers to have access to selected configuration elements, alias-lists, etc which is typically stored in various configuration elements within the FMU setup.

In fmu-dataio today, we already fetch some known blocks from the global_variables.yml and inject them into both case and object metadata, i.e. masterdata.

The suggestion here is to inject more such known blocks and put them into the case metadata when this is produced. Consumers can then fetch these elements from the case metadata when using FMU results.

Suggested pattern to use:

class: case
    <as in global_variables>
    <as in global_variables>

Things to consider

Needed discussions and inputs

anders-kiaer commented 1 year ago

Three important pieces of metadata with example use cases:

Well attributes/metadata

For each well in the model we have metadata like

The use case of the alias is to link different data sources (e.g. Eclipse with PDM or RMS). The use case for well type is to be used in e.g. well filters.

An example of file existing in the wild today is e.g. well_attributes.json which can be exported from RMS if I recall correctly (@lindjoha). The current format has some limitations I think:

FIPNUM vs region/zone In order to combine different data sets, we would need a mapping between FIPNUM (in Eclipse) and region/zone. The current format used in Webviz is like:¨

    - 1
    - 8
    - 15
    - 2
    - 9
    - 16
    - 3
    - 10
    - 17
    - 4
    - 11
    - 18
    - 5
    - 12
    - 19
    - 6
    - 13
    - 20
    - 7
    - 14
    - 21
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
    - 4
    - 5
    - 6
    - 7
    - 8
    - 9
    - 10
    - 11
    - 12
    - 13
    - 14
    - 15
    - 16
    - 17
    - 18
    - 19
    - 20
    - 21

I.e. selecting the region WestLowland and all zones would correspond to FIPNUM = 1 + 8 + 15. Selecting region WestLowLand and zone Valysar would correspond to FIPNUM = 1 (the intersection of the two lists).

Stratigraphy model information This metadata is used to answer e.g. what are the subzones of a given zone. A two-level example (could be higher I guess in real life) is shown here (the file is exported from RMS I think @lindjoha?). The color information is not crucial I think, but we have got positive user feedback wrt. them seeing the same colors in Webviz for the zones as they have set it up in RMS when modelling.

There is another final piece of metadata wrt. zone mapping and that is zone mapping vs model layer z-indices. E.g. some file encoding the information shown here. This metadata perhaps/probably have to live on realization level though since it can vary?

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

Ok but these are not part of the global_variables.yml? Case metadata is generated at startup of a case, and we do not alter it afterwards. E.g. if some content is made during runtime, we cannot put that into case metadata.

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

Made a first attempt 👆. What immediately strikes me is the apparent overlap/difference between different configs. I don't think any standard exists here, which means that the road might be a little bit longer. But unsure...

It is relatively straight-forward to fetch contents from global_variables.yml since this already is passed to fmu-dataio when creating case metadata. However, passing other "random" config files that exists is more tricky, especially without breaking changes. So I suggest we stick to global_variables.yml for now (without exactly knowing the consequences of that).

lindjoha commented 1 year ago

The format of well_attributes.json was agreed with Emerson and the idea was that they would make a job to export it. But currently it's just a hard-coded script. I agree with your comments about the limitations, but I am not sure if we want time dependent well attributes? Maybe it's better that a well f.ex can be both "oil producer" and "gas injector". MLTs should definitely be exported as one well.

The script that exports stratigraphy.json is also hard coded, but also there the idea was that we could export the zonation used in RMS. Any zone can have subzones so the format is completely flexible that way. The color parameter is optional, but it is very nice to be able to control the colors.

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

Regarding well_attributes.json and stratigraphy.json:

*) The hook workflow that makes case metadata runs as a PRE_SIM hook workflow, and is currently a bit limited in terms of how many arguments it should take, and so on. Alternatively, it needs its own configuration with pointers - but then we are quickly exploding the scope, and we need to figure out if it is sustainable and maintainable.

lindjoha commented 1 year ago
  1. They should be static yes. Stratigraphy is definitely static. I guess we can imagine cases where well attributes are not, f.ex if a well is turned into an injector based on some criteria. But it was intended to be static when exported from RMS.

  2. They can be premade, but the plan behind exporting them from RMS in the FMU workflow is that updates will automatically be exported.

  3. They have been put in rms/output/wells and rms/output/zone, but it can be discussed if they should go into the share folder.

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

stratigraphy is not the same STRATIGRAPHY as we already have in global_variabels.yml? Can they be merged, perhaps?

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago
  1. They can be premade, but the plan behind exporting them from RMS in the FMU workflow is that updates will automatically be exported.

That makes sense. But in that case, it cannot go into the case metadata. So then we might need "something else". Either export these things are regular data objects/files (with metadata), or we might have to look into supporting some kind of "realization metadata". The downside is that it increases the scope quite a lot, and must involve ERT and others.

lindjoha commented 1 year ago

stratigraphy is not the same STRATIGRAPHY as we already have in global_variabels.yml? Can they be merged, perhaps?

They might, but if I remember correctly, the stratigraphy in global_variables is referring to horizons instead of zones? This was sometimes a bit confusing when dealing with zones and subzones.

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

It covers both. It is a list of dictionaries, where the RMS-name of a horizon or zone is the key. Example from Drogon: image

The challenge with the current STRATIGRAPHY could be that the key is the RMS-spelling of the horizon/zone. The name attribute denotes the actual spelling in masterdata. It is currently primarily used to translate between the two, but can be expanded to include other things as well.

The STRATIGRAPHY block from global_variables.yml should not be a bit problem to include in the case metadata, I think. So if we can expand on that, rather than having two separate "stratigraphy" keywords, that would be better I think.

lindjoha commented 1 year ago

Makes sense. Can you add subzones in a tree-structure?

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

What are subzones in this context? This dict should include all zones defined in the model, irrespective of them being in the strat column or not (then they will simply have stratigraphic: false) in them.

lindjoha commented 1 year ago

image In RMS it looks like this. The names in Column_1 is a higher level, that could be f.ex Jurrassic or whatever. The json-format is completely flexible with respect to this.

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

Ah... yes, OK, then I see what you mean. Currently, it would be Horizons and Column (zones). The only mechanism currently in use that kind of supports this today is the stratigraphic_alias tag. E.g. Top Valysar is the same as "Top TopVolantis_BaseVolantis" (the zone-naming in Drogon is a bit strange).

I also assume that the JSON starts on the right side of the chart, not the left. E.g the root level is "column_1"?

May not be straight-forward to merge them if they are fundamentally different on the root level. Do you have an example of the resulting JSON?

lindjoha commented 1 year ago

Yes, the json starts from the right, and the levels in the tree is flexible. Any zone can have subzones. Here is how the json file looks for the Drogon example:


perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

OK so in order to represent both into the same structure (case metadata, or case metadata + global_variables.yml), we must either:

The term stratigraphy is so generic that it is bound to cause conflicts...

I think this would require some sort of offline discussion at some point. It is a relatively big topic. So far I think we can conclude that simply putting (the other) stratigraphy into global_variables.yml is not straight forward.

perolavsvendsen commented 1 year ago

Discussion topics 2023-05-24:

Well attributes:


Configs that are static to the case: can be included in case metadata

Configs that are NOT static to the case (either vary across iteration or realization): must be exported per realization

Can we export everything per realization, then figure out afterwards if they are identical?

To be continued...