On and SFC there needs to be the counterpart of this Reference/OffPageConnector. Therefore the Condition would need an additional input X interface and the Action would need an additional output Y interface in order to connect this Reference/OffPageConnector between SCD and SFC.
On an SCD the sequences are connected with a Reference/OffPageConnector
ReferenceClassLibrary/ToDestination/SequenceOffPage ReferenceClassLibrary/FromSource/SequenceOnPage
On and SFC there needs to be the counterpart of this Reference/OffPageConnector. Therefore the Condition would need an additional input X interface and the Action would need an additional output Y interface in order to connect this Reference/OffPageConnector between SCD and SFC.
SequenceElementLibrary/StandardSequenceElementClass/Action SequenceElementLibrary/StandardSequenceElementClass/Condition