Time report:
* Fetching all packages 0:02:57.814145
* Building non-pip part of komodo in workspace 0:09:49.380733
* Rsyncing partial komodo to destination 0:09:45.290905
* Deleting previous release 0:04:39.683807
* pip install to final destination 0:13:00.653841
* find and delete python bytecode files 0:00:10.982217
* set permissions 0:04:44.387435
Time report:
* Fetching all packages 0:02:49.205024
* Building non-pip part of komodo in workspace 0:04:36.795093
* Rsyncing partial komodo to destination 0:00:27.331234
* Deleting previous release 0:04:33.032115
* pip install to final destination 0:06:27.383606
* set permissions 0:02:37.841149
* Compile python bytecode files 0:01:41.551052
Build time before onprem-py38-rhel8: