If an emptyDir in a container exceeds the sizeLimit, Kubernetes will forcefully kill the container and set the pod phase to Failed. K8S then creates a new Pod to run the container istead of reusing the existing Pod.
We should include info about these events (stored in pod.status) in replicaList returned by radix-api.
Another issue is that these failed pods interfere with the caulculation of the component status. A pod in a failed phase due to emptyDir violations will cause the component status to be Reconciling. Not sure what the status should be. The user should be able to easily see that there are issuer, but I feel that Reconciling is wrong. A component can be in one of the following statuses: "Stopped", "Consistent", "Reconciling", "Restarting", "Outdated". Not sure if any of the fit this situation.
Also, it would be useful for the user to be able to cleanup(delete?) Pods in failed state.
Related to use ReadOnlyFileSystem
If an emptyDir in a container exceeds the sizeLimit, Kubernetes will forcefully kill the container and set the pod phase to Failed. K8S then creates a new Pod to run the container istead of reusing the existing Pod.
We should include info about these events (stored in pod.status) in replicaList returned by radix-api.
Another issue is that these failed pods interfere with the caulculation of the component status. A pod in a failed phase due to emptyDir violations will cause the component status to be Reconciling. Not sure what the status should be. The user should be able to easily see that there are issuer, but I feel that Reconciling is wrong. A component can be in one of the following statuses: "Stopped", "Consistent", "Reconciling", "Restarting", "Outdated". Not sure if any of the fit this situation.
Also, it would be useful for the user to be able to cleanup(delete?) Pods in failed state.
An example of a failed Pod: