equinor / radix-platform

Omnia Radix platform - base scripts and code
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Enable Cilium for AKS (Advanced Container Networking) #1371

Open emirgens opened 2 weeks ago

emirgens commented 2 weeks ago

Enable in dev first

Add in Terraform AKS enable add-on


DoD Ready to be enabled in Prod clusters

Richard87 commented 1 week ago


Started cililum-26 with these network options:

        --network-plugin "azure"
        --network-plugin-mode overlay
        --network-dataplane cilium

Setup Advanced Networking with managed Cilium, but bring your own Grafana/Prometheus


az aks update --resource-group clusters-dev --name cilium-26 --enable-advanced-network-observability
k get pods -n kube-system -l k8s-app=hubble-relay
# NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
# hubble-relay-55b65f695c-6bnwk   1/1     Running   0          4m9s
k port-forward -n kube-system svc/hubble-relay --address 4245:443

Level 7 / DNS & HTTP visiblity:


Note: We should enable --hubble-redact-enabled to redact sensitive http data like query/headers/auth cookies etc

Richard87 commented 1 week ago

To upgrade existing Calico cluster to Cilium: