Open berland opened 4 years ago
Old proof-of-concept for extracting relperm from INIT files.
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# This code is licensed under GPLv3 [vkip]
import argparse
import sys
from numpy import array, logical_and
from matplotlib.mlab import find
from ecl.ecl.ecl_file import EclFile
IPHS = 14
OWG = [ [True, False, False],
[False, True, False],
[True, True, False],
[False, False, True],
[True, False, True],
[False, True, True],
[True, True, True] ]
RPWNN = 21
RPWNT = 22
RPGNN = 24
RPGNT = 25
RPONN = 28
RPONT = 29
def fix_tab(tabs, ix):
t = tabs[:,ix,:]
iok = find(logical_and(t[:,0] >=-1.e21, t[:,0] <= 1.0e21))
return t[iok,:]
def print_tabs(tabs, headers):
h = reduce(lambda a,b: a+b, [ "%-21s " % (x) for x in headers ])
for i,t in enumerate(tabs):
print "-- TABLE NUMBER %d " % (i+1)
print "-- %s" % (h)
for j in range(t.shape[0]):
vstr = reduce(lambda a,b: a+b, [ "%.15e " % (x) for x in t[j,:] ])
print " %s" % (vstr)
print "-- "
print ""
def main(argv = sys.argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract relative permeabilities from init file")
parser.add_argument("init_file", help="INIT file name (including suffix)")
args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
init = EclFile(args.init_file)
ih = array(init['INTEHEAD'][0])
lh = array(init['LOGIHEAD'][0])
tabdims = array(init['TABDIMS'][0])
tab = array(init['TAB'][0])
oil, water, gas = OWG[ih[IPHS]-1]
threephase = oil and water and gas
otabs = wtabs = gtabs = None
if water:
ncols = 3
rpwbase = tabdims[RPWBASE]
rpwnn = tabdims[RPWNN]
rpwnt = tabdims[RPWNT]
wtab_ = array(tab[(rpwbase-1):(rpwbase+ncols*rpwnn*rpwnt)-1]).reshape(rpwnn, rpwnt, ncols, order='F')
wtabs = [ fix_tab(wtab_, i) for i in range(rpwnt) ]
print "######################################################################"
print "# WATER "
print "######################################################################"
print_tabs(wtabs, ["Sw", "Krw", "Pcow"])
if gas:
ncols = 3
rpgbase = tabdims[RPGBASE]
rpgnn = tabdims[RPGNN]
rpgnt = tabdims[RPGNT]
gtab_ = array(tab[(rpgbase-1):(rpgbase+ncols*rpgnn*rpgnt)-1]).reshape(rpgnn, rpgnt, ncols, order='F')
gtabs = [ fix_tab(gtab_, i) for i in range(rpgnt) ]
print "######################################################################"
print "# GAS "
print "######################################################################"
print_tabs(gtabs, ["Sg", "Krg", "Pcog"])
if oil:
ncols = 3 if threephase else 2
rpobase = tabdims[RPOBASE]
rponn = tabdims[RPONN]
rpont = tabdims[RPONT]
otab_ = array(tab[(rpobase-1):(rpobase+ncols*rponn*rpont)-1]).reshape(rponn, rpont, ncols, order='F')
otabs = [ fix_tab(otab_, i) for i in range(rpont) ]
headers = [ "So", "Krow", "Krog" ] if threephase else [ "So", "Kro" ]
print "######################################################################"
print "# OIL "
print "######################################################################"
print_tabs(otabs, headers)
if __name__ == '__main__':
User feature request: Combine endpoint scaling data from INIT and relperm-data from DATA files, and then provide an API to give out the scaled relperm data as a dataframe.
It is also possible to extract the relperm from the binary output files from Eclipse, that is not supported yet.