equivalent / we_demand_serverless_ruby

online petition application hosted on serverless-ruby.org
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IBM Cloud functions (Openwhisk) #12

Closed db0sch closed 5 years ago

db0sch commented 5 years ago

Apache openwhisk now support Ruby natively Medium post: https://medium.com/openwhisk/ruby-goes-serverless-apache-openwhisk-adds-native-support-for-ruby-7134faee14e

And IBM serveless solution, IBM Cloud Function is using OpenWhisk for its infrastructure. IBM Cloud Function website: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/functions IBM Cloud Function documentation (on how to create Ruby actions): https://console.bluemix.net/docs/openwhisk/openwhisk_actions.html#creating-ruby-actions

Seems to be the first major cloud provider to support ruby for functions

equivalent commented 5 years ago

Thank you for this comment, I'll look into this. Unfortunately I'm hammered with work so this may take few days before it appears on the web-page

(still PR with this description on https://www.serverless-ruby.org/ is welcome if you are interested ;) )