equivalent / we_demand_serverless_ruby

online petition application hosted on serverless-ruby.org
4 stars 4 forks source link

I think the wording of the petition is holding this back #5

Open rmm5t opened 6 years ago

rmm5t commented 6 years ago


"We demand FaaS for Ruby !"

As someone who has programmed in Ruby for over a decade, still deploys Ruby applications, and currently also deploys serverless applications (in Node.js), I'm hesitant to sign this petition, because it sounds whiny.

Why do we have to make "demands?" Is this a political statement? Are we suggesting that those that sign it cannot deploy a serverless function in any other language? For example, a perfect counter argument to this petition might be, "If those behind the petition are willing to sound so self-righteous, then maybe they should build a FaaS competitor themselves (good luck with that)."

Don't get me wrong: I would love to see Ruby support in the FaaS world, but I don't think this is the way to go about it.

Here are some suggestions for a new headline (keep it more positive):

Rubyists are Ready for Serverless

Grow the FaaS Community with Ruby

AWS Lambda: Grow the Serverless Community with Ruby

(here, have the "AWS Lambda" prefix automatically cycle between the other FaaS providers)

Other suggestions?

Am I alone in feeling hesitant to sign the petition as it is currently written?

equivalent commented 6 years ago

Why the current title

To be honest I've built this petition website in 2 hours (Rails + Bootstrap + heroku + clodflare == fast ) Started at midnight finished ad 2am (and no coffee). So yes I think there is bunch of text that I could format differently :) But I really wanted to send something out that day.

I was estimating that around 200 developers will sign it (like over period of a month) and after that this website will be lost in time. So I'm pretty damn impressed 600 signatures over a a week? Wow ! (thank you all) )

I was aiming for bringing awareness to Ruby, didn't really give much thought on the content wording (and I'm pretty sure there are bunch of typos everywhere)

Why do we have to make "demands?" Is this a political statement?

It's not that we demand it in "we will start a riot" kind of way :smile: (or maybe we will :) ...where is the closest AWS datacenter :smile: ? ),

It's more like to get people existed about the idea of FaaS Ruby :)

change of the title

So back to your point: "Should we change the wording ?" Yep definitely. Lets just agree on what that could be :) And I'm glad you are pointing it out ( I'm in a more of a "if it's not broken don't fix it" position on this on.) But see your point that other may be ignoring this petition due to title.

I like your suggested titles, but they don't quite capture the nature of this website (it is a petition => so there is expression of interest) and I don't want point figures just on AWS. There are other large providers that ignores Ruby too.

Here are my suggestion

I would just like this title to hold the nature of:

@rmm5t (and others too) pls let me know what you think

equivalent commented 6 years ago

...other suggestions are more than welcome (I really open to anything most of us will agree on)

rmm5t commented 6 years ago

and I don't want point figures just on AWS.

Of course not. Perhaps you missed my comment about having the site automatically change the prefix

For example, if the new title was: AWS Lambda: Grow the Serverless Community with Ruby

  1. "AWS Lambda:" fades out and "Google Cloud Functions:" fades in.
  2. "Google Cloud Functions:" fades out and "Azure Functions:" fades in.
  3. -> "Webtask" -> etc, etc, rinse, repeat
rmm5t commented 6 years ago

Afterall, a petition should be directed at someone or something. And, in this case, it serves everyone best if it's treated as a positive addition. All these FaaS service providers want to grow and scale bigger. Feed into their egos. Give them an opportunity to atract thousands of new developers, not just a bunch of whiny developers who merely signed the petition. Adding more languages and making it easier to deploy these functions with amazing frameworks is what will institute and help promote change and adoption.

equivalent commented 6 years ago

I had the opportunity to speak with Azure evangelists (face to face) and AWS evangelists (in reddit AMA discussion) and they know about Ruby :) It's not that they don't care or they are not aware of this technology, they just go where the market is :)

So I would rather direct this website on Developers as a call to action => "Sign this, Make some noise, let FaaS providers know there is a market"

There is no problem then raising an ticket on AWS forum, Azure forum, GoogleCloud forum, ... and point this petition website to them. The purpose now is to get some signatures of people who care :)

equivalent commented 6 years ago

nice example of this is this tweet https://twitter.com/awscloud/status/659795641204260864?lang=en

Go won the round, they will be the next one just because there is higher demand

equivalent commented 6 years ago

Ok title updated to "We want FaaS for Ruby !" Until we establish better title :) (I'll keep this discussion open)

anyone who would has any ideas please do so (just pls read the discussion above first) Thank you