er-muyue / BeMapNet

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Matching about PivotNet #8

Open zen-d opened 1 year ago

zen-d commented 1 year ago

@er-muyue Hi, thanks for your great work. PDM elaborates on the point-level matching for PivotNet, but I did not find the details about how to do instance-level matching in the paper.

Specifically, PDM assumes that "We consider the point matching problem between a predicted sequence Sˆ = {vˆn} and a ground truth sequence S^p = {v_n}", but what is your approach to assigning a ground truth sequence to a prediction?

Could you please explain more? Thanks.

wenjie710 commented 1 year ago

Yes, PDM performs point-level matching between two instances. For instance-level matching, we employ a widely used bipartite matching approach, which quantifies dissimilarity between instances based on the lowest sequence matching cost.