er-muyue / DeFRCN

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How to used in the customer dataset? #43

Open jo-dean opened 2 years ago

jo-dean commented 2 years ago

Hello,i want use the model in my customer dataset. But the result is not so good just used the provided model in this hub. Any advice to fit my own dataset? Thank you.

hetao828 commented 2 years ago

Do you solve this problem? When I train my novel class 'zangxueji' the new test dataset shows that 'zangxueji' instances is 0? Why? and it;s train will be dead soon.

hetao828 commented 2 years ago


hetao828 commented 2 years ago


I think this problem maybe caused by 0 instances of 'zangxueji', because sometimes it shows CUDA OUT OF MEMORY.

Assass1no commented 2 years ago

Hello,i want use the model in my customer dataset. But the result is not so good just used the provided model in this hub. Any advice to fit my own dataset? Thank you.


aeinsara commented 2 years ago


Hello. I have this problem. Do you solve it?

aeinsara commented 2 years ago

Do you solve this problem? When I train my novel class 'zangxueji' the new test dataset shows that 'zangxueji' instances is 0? Why? and it;s train will be dead soon.

I found the reason of this problem.It because of this line in "defrcn/dataloader/": "histogram += np.histogram(classes, bins=hist_bins)[0]". bins=hist_bins must be adapted to yours dataset. For example my classes is [13,14,15,16], so bins should be [13,14,15,16,17] for display correctly. This problem only exists in the display and in fact, the code works correctly. So do not worry.

hui-yiming commented 7 months ago

你好,我想请问一下为什么我换做自己的数据集之后,loss等一起切训练正常,但是最后的检测结果却是0 呢? 5a4edcb8ee08a5ea093498152dfd99ab 235b7ee12db3450211619aaefc49302a

orzgugu commented 7 months ago

你好,我想请问一下为什么我换做自己的数据集之后,loss等一起切训练正常,但是最后的检测结果却是0 呢? 5a4edcb8ee08a5ea093498152dfd99ab 235b7ee12db3450211619aaefc49302a

Hello, I would like to ask how you changed to your own data set for training and testing, I am very confused about this, I am sorry to bother you, I am an AI rookie.