eraeco / joy

JOY is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and progressive applications.
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Feature set for Alpha MVP #2

Open bugs181 opened 5 years ago

bugs181 commented 5 years ago




Details: JoyDB is a modular first database, this means users have the ability to roll their own database like Legos. The default server.js is for non-devs who want out of the box functionality, custom configuration, and potentially an IDE. Other modular parts include exposing the Query module to communication adapters (like HTTP server, Websockets, etc).



merarischroeder commented 5 years ago
  1. "modular" - for some reason I don't like this; I'm not sure why, and I have no suggestions at this stage.

  2. "Config files" - I strongly expect that you will be able to partition a JoyDB forest/cluster. One set of infrastructure, but multiple "databases". One "database" should be "master", that self-describes config.

  3. [New] Varying Redundancy configuration - for Collections or Databases (some sort of grouping) - should have redundancy configuration. The API could have a callback/event for local-saving/remote-saving/redundancy-saving states of a record. This could then be possibly reflected in the UI - saved offline, saved, solid - whatever language the developer chooses.

Types of configurations:

  1. "Flatten object" - I like the idea of shallow collections. This requires the concept of "References". This also makes it easy to replicate the data to a relational database for use of report engines.

  2. "ACL" - the ability to use an external ACL/IAM system. This includes use of JWT for Authorisation (and Role-based claims). This might leverage an existing AWS/GCP/Azure auth system to begin with. You can always build your own, but do that much later, not first.

  3. [New] Cloud Functions - if you have a network of data, I would like to be able to deploy arbitrary code to arbitrary peer locations to:

This can be used as a foundation to implement a lot of the system features.

I see the base framework as:

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

"modular" - for some reason I don't like this; I'm not sure why, and I have no suggestions at this stage.

If you could clearly articulate a reason why modular isn't good, I can come up with concrete examples why this is THE solution to ANY form of technology.

One example I can clearly think of in "Big Biz" is that facebook recently moved into a modular form with their React/React Native products. With their Lean Core initiate they've had exponential growth by deprecating in-house modules, merging and moving components into the community domain, and thousands of bugs and feature requests being implemented in a stable and progressive approach by the community at large. Their main rationale was that the community who knows those components, do best at maintaining and improving them.

"Config files" - I strongly expect that you will be able to partition a JoyDB forest/cluster. One set of infrastructure, but multiple "databases". One "database" should be "master", that self-describes config.

Your expectation would be correct. Joy holds no principals or rules based on the underlying architectures used to process and share configuration. These are purely up to implementors of said modular components.

[New] Varying Redundancy configuration

Applies to previous comment.

Types of configurations

All of these can be broken up into a much easier to read configuration file. For example, the primary configuration file is just about "which" modular parts are inserted "where" into the flow. Again, Joy makes no further assumptions except for gluing these modular pieces together.

The rest of your points can easily be created with modular plugins, which are always opt-in to keep the database running fast and smooth.

merarischroeder commented 5 years ago


1) RE: Modular - I'm thinking particularly about promoting that as the Centrepoint of JoyDB. As you say, I can't think of any modern software that isn't modular. For that reason, perhaps it should be a footnote. As I say, my thinking here is incomplete. It's best to have a better suggestion when criticising. I don't have a better suggestion yet.

2) RE: "Config files" - I saw "files", so I said "db". That's two options, and you replied "yes". Are you proposing config "files", or a "master" db partition that is namespaced and used by all modules? Is there a convention for modules to store configuration?

3) [New] Varying Redundancy configuration. You said "Applies to previous comment.". So does that mean the redundant copying of data across multiple nodes is not going to be standardised as part of the core framework? How would server.js work? Are there core modules as a default?


6) "Cloud Functions" - this is infrastructure level stuff. Perhaps node.js will be needed to run such functions on nodes. How will "modules" be running across JoyDB if not for some kind of module runtime (presumably node.js)? Will the modules be running monalithic with the rest of the code, or will there be secure isolation?


bugs181 commented 5 years ago
  1. I hope you can be excited for the modular aspect as much as we are! =)

  2. "Config files" is a relatively loose terminology here. I don't mean to say "files on a disk". Think of "files on the cloud". When you're storing files in the cloud, it's highly unlikely they are "true" files and not just some virtual file inserted into a database somewhere. A better naming convention would be "config" as in Configuration, which can be stored and communicated anywhere.

  3. Redundancy is built into the default configuration set, thanks to the principals of "mesh" networking. Super peers keep a copy, other peers that have the data can optionally keep a copy (or purge it to free up space), and the local copy of the sender. Server.js works by providing a default configuration file (yes, this time I mean actual file). From there, the user may make changes and use more modular parts if they want additional features.


  1. Cloud functions will be extremely easy to accommodate and an excellent suggestion! There are quite a few ways to accomplish this. RPC (Remote Procedural Call), using NapaJS with a communication module hooked into it, or some other Mesh networking hooked interface. Perhaps one or all of these will be included in the first stable release.
merarischroeder commented 5 years ago

1a. A modular database system is certainly a good feature, but again, it's up to you to consider whether or not that should be the first feature in the list. Perhaps it's an internal software architecture principle, but not a key user feature.

1b. Here's a quick attempt at an alternative approach, one that focuses on problems:

There are so many sad databases that don't help you with offline mobile applications, forces you to find your connect your own realtime communication system, burdens you with a complex array of replication modes that need a systems engineer to get right, then need rebuilding of replication when the schema changes.

Joybase is a delightful database designed with modern needs at heart. It's lightweight and simple, yet powerful.

Get started with a free project at


1c. (I actually have a startup, that is similar in modular nature, and it has taken me a while to refine the public message to be clear WHAT it's doing for users, and avoid too much of the HOW.)

1d. I suggest that you build Joybase in a modular way, but for now, only focus on server.js and a single specific configuration. After you gain traction, and have some alternative module configurations that are highly sought after, you can demonstrate the power of the modularity. Specifics are much more powerful. "By the way, because Joybase is modular, we have 3 main configurations you'll find useful, and you can always customise your own"

  1. Reducing to the sole term "Configuration" is the right move.

  2. I was particularly describing the ability for the client-side to be able to let the user know when a data-redundancy policy had been accomplished. I wonder if such feedback is part of the underlying GUN system, does the publishing node get confirmation about redundancy later? If so, I'm sure that can be exposed via the Joybase API.

  3. I am particularly suggesting that you DO NOT implement an RPC pattern. Rather, I recommend that you have triggered functions.

Dletta commented 5 years ago


Not sure GUN qualifies as running in the Cloud just yet, ;).

I think you are raising some good points for marketing. JOY is super early in development and I think it has the huge advantage of having a big user community (from the original GUN community) that is just waiting to switch to 'Normal Happy API' and 'Joyful Consistency'.

I have a feeling that it won't take very long for first adopters to jump on this bandwagon, as long as we get it rolling.

One of the things that would help the Team is to communicate directly in the Gitter Channel, that's where we are building up the MVP ideas, the API discussions and talk about how we plan to fundamentally run the roadmap etc. You are most welcome to join us there?

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

@merarischroeder @Dletta couldn't have said it better myself.

Re: 1a Maybe I get too "giddy" about the prospect of having a modular database. However, simply put.. because one doesn't exist yet. I've been seeking for something like Joy (Joybase?) for years in my software engineering career.

I generally don't want X or Y feature and yet I have no choice (it was decided for me). So I download the entire database bundle thats riddled with feature bloat and slow performance. Typical databases consumes tremendous amounts of resources (like memory and storage) because of this. Being modular means that the database is ready, sleek, and minimal.. and with a couple of configuration parameters, you have all of the features at your fingertips. I think THAT is a huge selling point.

Typically anyone writing software and doing database research will find this prospect certainly flavorful. It would make "me" want to use it and research more about it.

amark commented 5 years ago

Quick Q?

Isn't GUN suppose to be the modular one?

And JOY the big fat enterprise bundle?

You know how I love modular systems... But I'd be a bit confused what the point of JOY is if it doesn't take a very opposite approach?

Maybe reiterate what the goals / purpose is here?

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

@amark As much as I LOVE Gun, after speaking with several devs we can come to the agreement that contributing to Gun isn't easy. I think being MORE modular than Gun's large build and confusing code base would help enable more contribution, not less. Although, while it's more modular - the default configuration with a pluggable standardized interface will help to bring the bundle together. The goal is to have an official repo with all of the outlined features and contributions from PRs, but only enabling the default base-line modules. The primary script is geared toward enterprise federated setups and with a few modifications to the configuration can enable a decentralized experience.

The goals after several discussions with what I consider to be the core Joy team:

Like Gun, Joy has modular storage adapters. It is still being discussed, however an acronym called CUDDLER has been seen fit to expose every current database implementation. It adds three new API to the traditional CRUD approach.

CUDDLER is Create, Update, Delete, Depart, List, Event, and Read. Depart is a two way binding when a database leaves a space (like when used client-side) and/or on federated setups if a database needs to restart or has throttling overload issues. Events are what we've come to expect from real-time streaming experiences. And listing is for aggregations and other sorts of features that most users seem to have an issue with when grasping how to iterate a list in a decentralized setting.

Overview: An overview of this set up might hopefully make things more clear.

Communication <-> Bridge <-> Modules
Query Service <-> Frame <-> Blueprints: Storage, Indexers, Schema, ACL, etc

Do note, just because I've proposed Frame and Blueprints as core concepts. Frame offers "unbuild"-like CLI utils that can build or use compliant CommonJS modules for easily converting to and from. Nothing is stopping someone from bringing their favorite CommonJS modules into the mix or exporting Blueprints to a CommonJS module to be used elsewhere.

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

WARNING: Be prepared to read a long response, because I think it's important to explain how Frame, thus Joy works under the hood.

  1. Perhaps node.js will be needed to run such functions on nodes. How will "modules" be running across JoyDB if not for some kind of module runtime (presumably node.js)?

I completely spaced on this. Sorry I didn't reply more in depth. While it's true node.js can be used for server-side federated setups, it's not the only environment that can. Frame actually already has a dynamic asynchronous module dependency loader (kind of a mouthful) which knows how to resolve things on a variety of platforms.

So long as the "loader" modules don't do anything platform specific, they will work. Even some of these are shimmed thanks to the architecture of Frame to provide for typical require() used in node.js modules (called CommonJS).

For example, as a proof of concept I have require() working in the web browser without a bundler like Browserify, Webpack, etc. The require() also works with varying different protocols for the loaders. We already have two built-in bootstrap module loaders for URLs and Files.


require('') // Module on the web somewhere
// or
require('/some/local/file') // Local files for node

Do note, that even if using relative paths in the browser, they always resolve to http URLs, and vice versa for files. I fully intend to complete a more robust feature-set for the loaders, however other things should be implemented first to get a stable alpha released rolled out. How these work is directly out of the node.js architecture handbook, just with some additional features in a very small form factor.

Will the modules be running monalithic with the rest of the code, or will there be secure isolation?

If using what we call "Blueprint" type modules, then the code is very much isolated from the rest of the running code. This is generally up to how secure the "loader" is, but can easily be improved upon to varying degrees.

Blueprints use a VERY minimal yet complete API with one concept. That all types of technology can be represented as having an input and/or an output. Because of this, blueprints only need to have an in function and use an out function, both provided via the Frame architecture but are easily shimmed for any uses outside of Frame. Blueprints do have other optional functions like init which behaves similar to a class initializer, on for handling events, etc.

There is also a describe object, which can provide descriptions and in the near future type checking and sanitization for what types of data the blueprint expects and outputs. Blueprints are also safe thanks to how Frame creates a default blueprint stub to be worked on until the module is resolved.

Frame also has a built in schema to validate blueprints and not let them do anything wonky. Because of this, there is type safety for functions and expectations. An error inside one blueprint will not cause the entire application to crash, instead errors are propagated out into proper error handlers to attempt recovery (whatever that means to the application layer).

This is by far not a complete feature set for the core of Frame and has too many features to list for one Github issue. Expect a documentation on the Frame repo soon. That said, Frame minified and gzipped is only 3KB in file size. Compare this to the most popular libraries and frameworks, and prepare to be amazed.

merarischroeder commented 5 years ago

I second @amark request for clear project purpose and goals. The modular stuff is interesting, and clearly important, but needs to be discussed with clear direction. Perhaps we need a long list of what we think the goals and purpose is, and then prioritise.

Example Direction:

Just ideas. This direction is clearly assuming a lot of things though.

  1. We should be documenting the problems we're trying to solve. We need personas, target markets, end-user problems, and mapping to expected solutions.

  2. We should also be "measuring". We might think a particularly default configuration adds to "bloat", but is that 1kB or 10MB of JS code?

@bugs181 FYI

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

@merarischroeder if spending an hour to write up two relatively long github issues isn’t clarifying my position on “clear project purpose and goals”, then I’m just wasting time. I apologize but I don't have time to spend speaking about the conceptual points if I'm not going to be taken seriously. I would rather spend my time creating an implementation. If people use it, that's fantastic. If not, then I'll take a step back and re-analyze.

merarischroeder commented 5 years ago

@bugs181 You've certainly clarified the technology, my last response was expanding on @amark 's point.

"If people use it, that's fantastic. If not, then I'll take a step back and re-analyze." - that approach can work, but not often. You can certainly work on code, bottom-up, while I work on project management top-down.

You have a summary of product features which looks great, but without the documentation of an initial target market, and their problems, there's a risk the project's implementation can miss the mark. I'm sure you've got all that information in your head. I'm just not a mind reader. So I'm asking for this kind of information and taking the time to provide applicable examples in an attempt to be useful.

merarischroeder commented 5 years ago

To put it simply, this issue is about "Specification", but there are no "Requirements" documented. I propose we create an issue for "Requirements". A Gitter Chat room is not a great way to document a growing collection of "Requirements"

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

I just like the idea that actions speak louder than words. To be fair, these aren't points just in my head. This is feedback from the Joy community via Gitter chat as @Dletta has mentioned.

During the conceptual brainstorming phase, we openly discuss implementation details, feature ideas, compatibility, etc. Currently, we're at Stage 0 awaiting progress on Frame to at least ready to consume.

On that front, I've just pushed a relatively large update which adds flow functionality. There's still more work to do to add error propagation, allow flows to speak to one another and allow the flows to be reusable from top-down. Aside from that, we need to write up unit tests and document everything. Hopefully we can make strides toward useful progress this week.

Once all of that is complete, we can begin to "mockup" the structure of Joy core and determine the best way to move forward with configuration, modules, and application logic.

amark commented 5 years ago

:P this is why I solved these politic problems by having contributions to GUN be all user-land, not in-repo. Just to clarify that GUN is not accidentally hard, it is intentionally extricated, kinda like NodeJS. My view was that if a slew of people needed to contribute to core (specifically gun.js), then I had failed at keeping GUN self-contained. Why? Because then all other files, folders, modules, components, etc. could also be owned and maintained by a single individual, that way no conflict or politics had to get involved - if somebody wanted to contribute, they just open a new file, and code! Then everybody else in the world could use this module. At the heart of GUN is a conflict resolution, and it applies just as much to algorithms, data structures, and code... as it does to contribution, team management, and politics.

However, that "style" is not how most React/Webpack/Enterprise/etc.-type developers operate though, being a "contributor" means multiple people editing the same files and having political sway. This necessarily leads to increased "talking" time. So I actually think @merarischroeder is right here, the technical requirements are less important than the product-market-fit/business-development/enterprise stuff. I think the community should choose an actual company (some large fortune 500 enterprise), and then build a fictional solution to that company's operation.

Generally speaking, as I've said before, I'll be staying away from this stuff because ERA is consumer facing, not B2B, and, as I described above, I have a very different paradigm for project management/contribution. Oddly enough, my biggest goal with JOY is to cater to all the people who love GUN but despise Mark (my ideology is fairly anti-authoritarian and contrarian, which means I don't fit in well with the enterprise/hipster crowd that represents 90%+ of the market, and despite that I disagree with them, I think it is important they are served). So I'll continually seek and encourage JOY to be a community-run initiative that is built on top of GUN but opposite in philosophy.

merarischroeder commented 5 years ago

@bugs181 I'm with you on specifics/actions/context. But when it's about a group of people, I don't think the background "requirements" should be left strewn across time and space. One should work from both directions, bottom, and top.

The top-down stuff is most useful for people like me, and other new entrants. But it's also a critical yard stick to test implementation ideas against.

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

@amark are you saying that I'm approaching my premise of Joy incorrectly? I'd be happy to fork and rename a DB made with my outline (and other community's contribs) to another repo. My goal is for mass adoption in the community AND enterprise settings by using one modular flow but with different outputs. Several company's successes depend upon the modularity and community efforts for creating extremely successful products.

My theory is that Joy become a repo for core that hosts several built-in module features like ACL, Schema, etc. Additional features are provided by the community (very similar to Gun's position) either in Joy core as addons (depending upon community's desire to have it included). The primary difference is in the way that Joy deploys as a turn-key solution with a configuration using the modularity of said core.

Frame/Joy is analogous to giving you a plate at a buffet and letting you choose your meal. Whereas most databases are similar to giving you a pre-made plate and you're stuck with whatever they give you. The Configuration aspect is similar to the buffet but instead you have a waitress that you tell them what to get and they use their best judgement to accommodate.

amark commented 5 years ago

I agree, feature-wise, that ACL, Schema, etc. are all very much the traditional / enterprise-y thing to require.

I don't think "lightweight" should be a focus though, so modules shouldn't be "external" (like they are in GUN) unless they are completely irrelevant to enterprise.

Turn-key is good.

My comment meant to communicate that I think JOY does need to be top-down, not bottom-up (GUN is bottom-up), and be described from a salesman perspective not an engineer perspective.

So while I agree modularity is a good thing, it would be more like this:



Cringeworthy for us devs, but those things should direct development, not protocol things like "HTTP, CRUD, SQL, ..." etc. if SQL is required for the "Reporting" feature, then so be it, but SQL isn't a selling point.

Ah, I view the buffet thing as library/bottom-up, and prepared plate/meal as framework/top-down. In this case, I don't think people should be given a choice when they first start. 6 months in, and after they go through some $20K week training seminar where they get a certificate, then maybe they're allowed to change configuration and remove things. If they want to change/swap things, that is also possible, but they're gonna have to pay @bugs181 a $50K 6month consulting contract, where you internally change 2 properties in 5 seconds and then wait 48 hours to send it back.

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

One potential way we could accomplish that is by having Joy be modular (but without the monorepo for modules). Then JoyEnterprise be a custom build tool, where our sales-people ask what their company's needs are and go and fetch all of the modules by hand for them and offer a turn-key solution. If this doesn't sound like something we're interested in, I'd be inclined to fork and rename. It's nothing to offend, just not how I like the current structure of database technology.

amark commented 5 years ago

That is what I had in mind. (altho, sales peeps deleting things, since that is easier than adding things)

Altho yes, it isn't something ERA is prioritizing (enterprise sales), compared to bringing awesomeness to everyday people :) :) . Forking for the sake of sales would be a little... not in the spirit of being fair... but I think ERA housing anybody in its community who wants to be one of those consultant people, is the right approach.

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

For what it's worth; I have no interest in the sales side of things. I wasn't aware that any of my contributions would be rewarded with economic prosperity xD. The only reason I'd fork is if I didn't agree with the structure of the codebase, not at all related to the politics and marketing.

amark commented 5 years ago

Utoh, that makes 2 of us.

Whose gonna be the hipster sales guy if we're all OSS hippies!!???

amark commented 5 years ago

Hmm, what is the craziest hipster thing we can imagine?

Having people define their schema as GraphQL queries in React components of their UI? Then backwards-generating the server based on the constraints of the frontend?


bugs181 commented 5 years ago

Why not go for a schema-less query-less approach? Just build your components and they automagically generate queries and fill out data on UI? I don't think it's been done before but who knows.

amark commented 5 years ago

how does a company enforce that a currency field is an integer, not a string?

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

Something like TypeScript inference? Wouldn't be difficult to check typeof for those kinds of things.

amark commented 5 years ago

typeof '5' == 'string'

if typescript then allCompaniesNotUsingTypescriptGoByeBye :(

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

Good point. I'd imagine it would work similar to a higher order component using state hooks (humoring the React/React Native frameworks)

   <Joy state=this.state />
   <someInputComponent id="monies" />

The input could be saved as a string and any computations on that can use type casting. I believe Javascript offers this functionality for any ES6 platforms in a variety of ways.

merarischroeder commented 5 years ago

@bugs181 "I wasn't aware that any of my contributions would be rewarded with economic prosperity" - to have the most fun as a coder, you want the organisation that runs the Open Source project to be drenched in cash. Then more and more contributors can be paid to build features and fix bugs.

For me having a lot of money isn't about a Lamborgini, it's about building more stuff!

It looks like the conversation devolved into an interesting bottom-up one.

@amark "how does a company enforce that a currency field is an integer, not a string?" - this is where my technical JS-functions foundation layer idea comes in handy.

Examples of validation functions:

  1. Definition:
currency = currencyType =
    name: 'currency',
    validation: (record) => record.amount< 0;,
    indexor: null, //Just some ideas
    hasher: null //Just some ideas

orderSchema =
    id: primaryKeyType,
    amount: currencyType,
    customer: customerRelationship,
  1. Implementation example - The built-in JSON deserialiser is quite efficient and simple. So run that as usual, but then use that data to build a properly typed in-memory record, then validate.
deserialiseCollectionOfOrderRecords = function(JSONString) {
   var ObjectWithStringValues = JSON.Parse(JSONString); //In the future, we might be able to do this faster with our own code - perhaps with WebAssembly. And this might be binary instead of JSON serialisation.

   var record = new OrderRecord();
   if ( { = StringToInteger(;
       //PrimaryKeyType doesn't have a validator, because the definition is JS-Number. The function on the line before would have failed if it's invalid

   if (ObjectWithStringValues.amount) {
       record.amount = StringToInteger(ObjectWithStringValues.amount);
       if (record.amount < 0) {
           throw 'amount is invalid - record.amount < 0';


      return record;
  1. You could also build a validator that only validates the JSON string directly. That is, it doesn't create an object in memory, thus not using HEAP memory, and reducing GC. If a string is coming from the network, needs to be validated, then stored in the db as a string, then there isn't a need to actually deserialise it. This requires you to have streaming JSONReader capability, that walks through the standard JSON token structure. (Of course this can also work for binary serialisation too). It's possible that only the primary key is extracted from the serialized data, for the purpose of creating the record in the db (indexed). It's also possible that other indexed fields can be optionally extracted for building indexes. This also means you can be streaming heaps of data over the network, without having to buffer anything in memory (not the entire JSON string, nor any of the deserialized objects)

That's enough bottom-up for today.

We really should document the top-down stuff

bugs181 commented 5 years ago

@merarischroeder excellent points!

Re: 3

The built-in JSON deserialiser is quite efficient and simple

I'd personally like to stay away from JSON serialization because it's quite limited and hasn't kept up to technical progress.

Two examples of this are lack of trailing comma and additional types. With proper ACL and Schema, it's now more than possible and highly desired to store functions inside databases. You can see this with remote deploying Cloud Functions, as discussed previously. I admit you have to be extremely cautious with running untrusted code but with signing and encryption this concern becomes almost nil.

If however, we're talking about storing schema specifically then JSON will do the job but shouldn't be required. I can think of a few parsers that can do the job faster and more effectively than the standard JSON approach. On IoT platforms where compute is limited (we're still targeting enterprise IoT devices, correct?), JSON is extremely slow.

I can agree that this conversation has slightly devolved, although this Github issue is primarily geared for all aspects of Joy including technical, enterprise, and market.

merarischroeder commented 5 years ago


RE: 3 - JSON. That was merely an implementation example of mixing the deserializer with a business-data-type validator. I leveraged the commonly understood JSON.Parse to keep it simple. I also raised the possibility of other serializers, including binary ones (which I strongly recommend making your default). JSOX looks good too, but that was beside the point: I was showing how JS code could be generated from a stored schema specification (perhaps JSON - beside the point), to do both deserialization, and also business-type validation.

[4] expands on this possibility further, by being able to create validators that don't need to actually deserialize any practical object for use. This is a typical scenario, when received serialized data isn't going to be processed any more than simply inserting or overwriting a database record that is stored in the serialized state. This reduces memory usage, saves on GC, and results in higher batch-insert throughput.