eraeco / pay

Checkard is a peer-to-peer check payment system for ERA PAY.
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Prevent Duplicate Check Numbers ? #29

Open jazzyjackson opened 1 month ago

jazzyjackson commented 1 month ago

So I think since we're encrypted the memorized information we stopped auto-incrementing check number -- do we want to

A: increment on load

B: warn / error if check number is same as previous check

C: forget having a check number at all since it's just for customers' benefit and bank maybe doesn't care

amark commented 3 weeks ago

Ideally auto-increment, but how do we visualize this is new state not old state? :/

(on focus, show a .say that says something like "Last check number was XXX on ZZdateZZ" maybe? Or can we :hover:before a tooltip? So not intuitive at first, but after couple uses of Remember Me you learn to forget/not care.)