eraeco / pay

Checkard is a peer-to-peer check payment system for ERA PAY.
MIT License
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Add Anonymized Magnitude Metrics #9

Open jazzyjackson opened 1 month ago

jazzyjackson commented 1 month ago

After typing the signature, assume the check has been deposited / payment completed, and ping home with a magnitude of the check so that we have some visibility as to the numbers flowing across the service, without ever keeping a record of the information on the check.

I like Math.log10() for getting the magnitude of a number (how many zeros essentially), but we could also divide by 100 and Math.trunc it and specify the resolution that way.

amark commented 1 month ago

To clarify, for transparency & audit-ability, this is per my request - not Colten's proposition, though Colten thoughtfully contributed even better ways to anonymize/privacy-ize it if (which I am) require this.

Since PAY/checkard is the first time in a decade of privacy/Open Source that I'm doing for purpose of profit > value/engineering, I am taking the stance that if anyone disagrees with our ethics/sensitivity they can fork the project, there is no way (as we add increasingly more features) we'll be able or should avoid compliance/reporting - the whole point of (the non p2p parts of) PAY is to provide corporate shielding & services for content creators and smaller entities that may not have the expertise on how to navigate that.

So the amount of effort we're going to minimize & anonymize already is a disservice to us trying to help others, but I'm doing it anyways because I care about privacy. Magnitude/rounded stats let's us determine success of Checkard without disclosing anything. If you're (generic) angry about this, you'll want to close your bank account (and all that it spies on you) as an earlier act of justice than/before writing comments here/about PAY.

jazzyjackson commented 1 month ago