Open hcnhatnam opened 5 years ago
@hcnhatnam hi, anchor_target_layer is only used during training. For inference, no tf.py_func is used, so you don't have to handle tf.py_func for serving.
@eragonruan I know but in serving of tensorflow, anchor_target_layer is considered as Ops(detail in Therefore, I met error:
E tensorflow_serving/core/] Servable {name: simplesave version: 1} cannot be loaded: Not found: Op type not registered 'PyFunc' in binary running on 040951f81f58.
Make sure the Op and Kernel are registered in the binary running in this process.
Note that if you are loading a saved graph which used ops from tf.contrib, accessing (e.g.) tf.contrib.resampler
should be done before importing the graph, as contrib ops are lazily registered when the module is first accessed.
hi,the output of the model is cls_prob and box_pred, this are not the final results of the text detection, the postprocess is needed . if you want get the final detection boxes in TensorFlow Serving , you need to implement the proposal_layer( function by tf-api .
hi,the output of the model is cls_prob and box_pred, this are not the final results of the text detection, the postprocess is needed . if you want get the final detection boxes in TensorFlow Serving , you need to implement the proposal_layer( function by tf-api .
thank you, but this problem is TF Serving (which written in C++) which doesn't support PyFunc yet (which written in Python) and author used to tf.py_func(anchor_target_layer function in model_train) in the train process. The problem has been mentioned but there is almost no solution.
@hcnhatnam, i have successed deploy the CTPN in TensorFlow Serving, but i cann't share the all code ,sorry. my solution is implement the proposal_layer and textdetector.detect ( function by tf-api (not python-numpy) . the implementation of original code is the numpy which cann't merge to the TensorFlow Serving model . the outputs of the CTPN model are output_tensor_cls_prob,output_tensor_box_pred. when i get these two temp-results, i conbine the all 16pixes for final detection boxes(postprocess function) . the proposal_layer_tf_api function is the implementation by tf-api which reference to the proposal_layer and textdetector.detect function.
def postprocess(cls_prob_tf, box_pred_tf , im_info_tf): boxes=proposal_layer_tf_api(cls_prob_tf, box_pred_tf, im_info_tf) return boxes
with tf.Session() as sess: with tf.gfile.GFile(args.model, "rb") as f: restored_graph_def = tf.GraphDef() restored_graph_def.ParseFromString( tf.import_graph_def( restored_graph_def, input_map=None, return_elements=None, name="" )
tensor_name_list = [ for tensor in tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def().node]
for tensor_name in tensor_name_list:
print(tensor_name, '\n')
export_path_base = args.export_model_dir
export_path = os.path.join(tf.compat.as_bytes(export_path_base),
print('Exporting trained model to', export_path)
builder = tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder(export_path)
raw_image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, None, 3]) #输入原始图像
jpeg,im_info = preprocess_image(raw_image) #预处理,缩放
output_tensor_cls_prob,output_tensor_box_pred = tf.import_graph_def\
input_map={'Placeholder:0': jpeg},
tensor_info_input = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(raw_image)
tensor_info_output_cls_prob = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(output_tensor_cls_prob)
tensor_info_output_box_pred = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(output_tensor_box_pred)
prediction_signature = (
inputs={'images': tensor_info_input},
outputs={'cls_prob': tensor_info_output_cls_prob,
'box_pred': tensor_info_output_box_pred,
im_info_output = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(im_info)
print('im_info_input tensor shape', im_info.shape)
# ctpn后处理,合并宽度为16的boxes,得到最终的文本框
crop_resize_img,crop_resize_im_info = crop_resize_image(jpeg, result_boxes)
output_crop_resize_img = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(crop_resize_img)
output_crop_resize_img_info = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(crop_resize_im_info)
tensor_info_output_boxes = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(result_boxes)
prediction_post_signature = (
inputs={'images': tensor_info_input},
outputs={'detection_boxes': tensor_info_output_boxes,
'crop_resize_img': output_crop_resize_img,
'crop_resize_im_info': output_crop_resize_img_info,},
sess, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING],
'predict_images_post': prediction_post_signature,
print('Done exporting!')
@evanfly Can you realse proposal_layer_tf_api?
@evanfly beg a contact method,email,phone,WeChat,blog,whatever,just can contact with you. I have some ctpn tensorflow serving problems consult with you. Thanks a lot.
@evanfly can you send some tips for implement the proposal_lay&&detect_lay by tf_api?my wechat:IT666666TI, ths a lot!
In the anchor_target_layer of, using tf.py_func operator which enables you to run arbitrary Python code in the middle of a TensorFlow graph. However, tf.py_func is not supported in TensorFlow Serving that to deploy tensorflow models to production?
I have been looking for a solution to this problem and solution almost convert tf.py_func to a TensorFlow graph. Can someone please help me with this?