eranpeer / FakeIt

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Verifying a shared_ptr argument does not work for Spy #191

Closed scgroot closed 2 years ago

scgroot commented 4 years ago

Given to following code:

struct Test {
  virtual ~Test() {}
  virtual void blaat(std::shared_ptr<int> ptr) = 0;

struct TestImpl {
  virtual ~TestImpl() {}
  virtual void blaat(std::shared_ptr<int>) {}

auto ptr = std::make_shared<int>(1);

// Using a regular Mock
Mock<Test> test;
When(Method(test, blaat)).AlwaysReturn();
Verify(Method(test, blaat).Using(ptr)).Exactly(1);

// Using spy
TestImpl impl;
Mock<TestImpl> spy(impl);
Spy(Method(spy, blaat));
Verify(Method(spy, blaat).Using(ptr)).Exactly(1);

...then the second one does not work. The ptr that is matched against Using somehow becomes 0:

   Verify( spy.blaat(0x558c07f04920) )
1: with message:
1:   /home/user/
1:   64: Verification error
1:   Expected pattern: spy.blaat(0x558c07f04920)
1:   Expected matches: exactly 1
1:   Actual matches  : 0
Errors while running CTest
1:   Actual sequence : total of 1 actual invocations:
1:     spy.blaat(0)

When creating a 'normal' Mock, it works fine. I'm using the most recent catch2version.

FranckRJ commented 2 years ago

Should be fixed with #272.