erans / torcontactinfogenerator

Tor ContactInfo Generator
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drop down menus everywhere (OS, DNS, scheduler, confmgmt, virt, TLS) #6

Open nusenu opened 6 years ago

nusenu commented 6 years ago

lets make 'os' a drop down menu if we can find a good source for 'give me all OSes there are'

lets make DNS location 3 drop down menus (one for each line in resolv.conf) primary DNS resolver secondary DNS resolver

Scheduler is a checkbox, should probably be a drop down menu

configuration management


TLS library

erans commented 6 years ago

So, just to make sure I understand correctly - the "Where is the resolver located" field should turn into a drop down with the 3 options (local, sameas, remote) on each one? You only said primary and secondary resolver so why 3 drop downs?

nusenu commented 6 years ago

Your understanding of my idea is correct. I was a bit inconsistent with the 2 vs. 3.

Since OpenBSD allows up to 5 'nameserver' entries, how about:

If that is to fancy lets just have a static set of 3

erans commented 6 years ago

I can add a "+" / "-" button so that you can add as many resolvers as you have setup.

The code then needs to "merge" all the values, so if the first is local and the 2nd and 3rd are remote the value of the field would be:





nusenu commented 6 years ago


This one.

I'll review the spec to see if it is too loosely specified.