erasmus-without-paper / ewp-specs-api-omobilities

Specifications of EWP's Outgoing Mobilities API.
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Input parameters in the Index endpoint #47

Open jiripetrzelka opened 2 years ago

jiripetrzelka commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to add the following optional input parameters to the Index endpoint?

janinamincer-daszkiewicz commented 2 years ago

Could you give some arguments supporting this change

jiripetrzelka commented 2 years ago
  1. Ability to retrieve data only for studies/traineeships - In our system, these are separate components with their owns rights. For example, if a user with the right to retrieve traineeship nominations (and not the SMS nominations) clicks on a refresh button then without this attribute the script has to invoke the get endpoint for each mobility found in the Index endpoint to find out whether it is SMS or SMP/SMT. The argument is therefore to limit unnecessary traffic. The situation is similar with the activity_attributes parameter.

  2. Consistent approach with attributes in - if global_id is necessary for the LA API, it will certainly be necessary for this API too. It is also quite confusing that the mobility_type in LA corresponds to activity_attributes in this API. If it is not too late, I would suggest to keep the same attribute name (mobility_type) and values in both APIs. The argument is: Clearer understanding and reduction of the probability of implementation errors.

janinamincer-daszkiewicz commented 2 years ago

It is also quite confusing that the mobility_type in LA corresponds to activity_attributes in this API. If it is not too late, I would suggest to keep the same attribute name (mobility_type) and values in both APIs. The argument is: Clearer understanding and reduction of the probability of implementation errors.

We spent ages and exchanged hundreds of email negotiating names and values of these two new fields with DG EAC and the business oriented partners. The naming in this API is more relevant than in LA. We will rather change it in LA.

jiripetrzelka commented 2 years ago

I agree, changing the names, even if in the LA API, would still help the overall consistency and understandability of both APIs.

umesh-qs commented 2 years ago

@jiripetrzelka I believe the use case you have mentioned is more of access control that should be governed by the application.

What we mostly do refresh mobility by modified date, but also provide option to pull by data by partners involved. What to display to the end user is handled by the application. In fact number of calls to API will be more with these filters.

jiripetrzelka commented 2 years ago

I would like to ask the designers of this API the other way round: What makes you think that the global_id and activity-attributes are necessary for LAs but not for Nominations?

As to the activity-type:

umesh-qs commented 2 years ago

@jiripetrzelka Number of requests will still be higher for the index API if additional filters are added. When you say lower, I assume you mean the amount of data transfer for each call will be lower. But that will not be significant.

There might be use cases where additional filters might be helpful. But until we have a concrete use case, I would not want to make changes to the index API

jiripetrzelka commented 1 month ago

I would like to ask the designers of this API the other way round: What makes you think that the global_id and activity-attributes are necessary for LAs but not for Nominations?

@janinamincer-daszkiewicz Please consider this question to be a feedback to the pull request of version 3. I still think that having these parameters would be useful.

janinamincer-daszkiewicz commented 1 month ago

Accepted. I hope for more comments from the providers.