erazortt / DoViBaker

Bake the DoVi into your clip
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Read instream rpu, compatible to ffms2 #20

Closed rome1983 closed 9 months ago

rome1983 commented 9 months ago

Incorrect colors when processing mkv files but works correctly with ts files. Uploading 2 files to show the issue.

erazortt commented 9 months ago

I don't see anything wrong. Please post also screenshots.

However, your ts and the mkv are not identical (look at the difference at the bottom):

ts=FFVideoSource("E:\converted\UHD\test\Despicable Me 3.ts", threads=1, track=0).crop(0, 276, 0, -276)
mkv=FFVideoSource("E:\converted\UHD\test\Despicable Me 3.mkv", threads=1, track=0).crop(0, 276, 0, -276)


And when looking at the DoVi, the result look fine to me. The difference between them is not higher then it is without DoViBaker:

ts=FFVideoSource("E:\converted\UHD\test\Despicable Me 3.ts", threads=1, track=0).crop(0, 276, 0, -276).DoViBaker()
mkv=FFVideoSource("E:\converted\UHD\test\Despicable Me 3.mkv", threads=1, track=0).crop(0, 276, 0, -276).DoViBaker()


PS: And btw, the RPU data of this stream does not change the look of the file, it only informs about the current frames maxcll. Here the output of DoViAnalyzer:

clip length: 611 overall max cll: 2402 color matrix deviation: 0 mapping deviation: 0 el-clip processing: disabled available trims: 100 nits (2081)

The color deviations introduced by the streams rgb matrix compared to the default rgb matrix is 0. And the tonemapping introduced is also 0. There is also no el stream, so in total there nothing is being changed. That is not a bad thing, it just means that you should not expect any changes intrtoduced by streams rpu data.

rome1983 commented 9 months ago

The clouds are pinkish before turning white in the Mkv version.

erazortt commented 9 months ago

Yes, but please play back your own mkv file. It is already pinkish. This is not introduced by DoViBaker.

rome1983 commented 9 months ago

Yes I don't think it is introduced by doVIbaker. The problem most likely lies in the way makemkv process dolby vision. The clouds are white when I play back the blu ray disc. I will use ts files for this.


erazortt commented 9 months ago

Well, then you should open bug report at MakeMKV.